Likely going to leave again

Game isn’t failing or anything, Just realized more then a small chunk of the community hates me. was informed on this by another few regulars.

Have fun everyone.

lol, what?
has it gone that far…?
:worried: :thinking:

Is this because we were teasing Canadians? Nobody hates Canadians.

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Never trust people who say “other people hate you too”. It’s a typical ruse to justify their own malcontent.


i dont hate you, i just dont agree with alot of things you come up with lol.
doesnt mean that i hate ya though.

There is no community in this game, its just a huge pile of lost souls . Or was it the forum community? Thats a community and a truly diverse yet inclusive community. Everybody gets to play, you too.

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a majority of the real playerbase has never seen you and doesnt know who you are, and the core community of “regulars” is dead. if there is any player who unironically hates you for doing anything ingame then their NPC ass is not worth any attention

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This is the main reason one should adopt the kind of a view where one does not care how much his fellow playerbase likes/dislikes them and just plays anyway. Not saying to become toxic but to just be indifferent to your fellow players and social aspects of the game

Me personally I don’t care how much people like or dislike me and I feel like that is the healthy way for everyone to approach any game, I’m playing it for the sake of playing the game and I don’t really care which cereal bowl I am pissing into by accident while doing it and how many unlikes or notfriends, or friends, that causes to happen. Then again I am not looking for any amounts of social activity with the game either for me this is just a drive and shoot ingame and complain loudly on the forum-kind of a game. I know there is a discord server or something etc social wank but honestly I don’t want to be a part of a “crossout community” and make “crossout friends” to any amount rather than just playing a pc game

thats like me saying after about 10 years on youtube posting crossout stuff that people dont like me cuz they dont watch my stuff, who cares what people say or think just keep doing what your doing

Mabey just take a break from the game every one needs it! People are ehem donky holes!

Many reasons to quit this game, other players not liking you shouldn’t be one of them.

Quote from something… I forget what but:

“If I don’t really care if someone dies why should I care about their opinion?”

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Was it the furry haters? They’re laughable, really.