Livestream with the developers. A closer look at the new season


The new Wasteland Drift season will begin very soon. It’s time to take a closer look at the Syndicate’s new tech guns and modules, and the other upcoming features of the next major update.

Join us on December 17th at 14:00 UTC on the Crossout Twitch channel and on the Crossout YouTube channel.


Ooooooooooooooooh another chance to learn nothing! :grin:

Watched the livestream and the new crossbow is busted as hell. It does heating and crazy amounts of damage. All the items seem busted too!!! new cab retains its perk unlike jannabi and goes up to 40%, than you got wheels that gives 50% power boost to cab and only loses the perk once you collide with an enemy which is easily avoidable by using ranged weapons.

So I guess they’re plan is Instead of releasing under powered weapons and buffing them later like in next step this time around they are they are planning on releasing super over powered weapons and making them useless later, very clever!!


That stream didn’t sell. “Haha, we’ll just nerf it later? Just kidding, Victor…Vincent…what is your name again?”


if these people are 5 year olds,im sold ! if they are over 21 we r doomed.


Q:You know what would have been better than the stupid pole weapon (schwing!)?
A: A Tron Ribbon.

They could make it fade really fast so it wasn’t OP.


FYI - The syndicate is the faction plays in a way that suits my style. Fast, high tech, form over function. Lighter armored and a skirmisher type of attack.

Is it me or does this BP seem like fluff. I dig the engine, but the number of structure parts are disappointing. (I like what they do have just wanted a little more like a 1 x 2 x 6 blocks to round out some themed structure parts. (One block thick ,Two blocks high and six blocks long).

I also wish they added a cabin like the Silvia s15 as the legendary. Of course they would have to alter the model and adjust it to make it part of the Crossout world. Instead of upgrading one we already have. (Please Note: The picture is not my mine and as a fan my goal is to show how cool the cabin is only.)

I am looking forward to the wheels and the horn. But shrug at the weapons especially the energy pole gimmick. I dig the relic weapon but will likely never own one.


Does anyone else find it just a little underwhelming?


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The engine, wheels, and cabin are enough to excite me.
Not super interested in the weapons, but I could see the energy wall thing being fun on a fast build.


My Catalina car will get epic wheels at last… and my Project 7 drift car will get a new cab, wheels and the engine… I look forward to this -


The grenade launcher has a small and low profile that could be interesting… I don’t care for the crossbows so it makes my 2nd legendary choice nice and easy.

Sad that I’m gonna have to re-fuse the cabin for power, but it’s fine really.

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Nice Ride Mang!

Like you I am looking forward to updating my drifter.


Nice, just remember the engine block is an extra block forward, I’m very lucky as mine already had a block of space

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Yup Yup, thanks for the heads up. I would just take out the engine to make space.

Great perception!

Hail 2 U Lexi!


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Lol no problem… I’m just hoping that the wheels fit how I need them too… I have them pretty boxed in on my main ride -

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Recipes in hamster lingo:

0en engine = Hot Red 2x, New wheel 4x, Raveger wheel st 2x
Crossbow = Phoenix 2x, Lightning fence 2x, 1 Snowball tosser
Grenade = Gravastar 2x, Lightning fence 2x, Fatum 1x
Lightning fence = 1x: Junkbow, Boom, Tempura
New Cab = 4x New wheel st, 2x Ravegers wheel, 1x Jannabi
New Wheel = Special walker legs x1, Falco x1, Syn wheel (appropriately typed)

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Not for at least a few months until they add a crafting event like they did with devourer but I didn’t dig that weapon too much soo I never bought it and I ain’t feeling the new nemesis relic weapon either. I was never into helios and that’s all it basically is just a slightly stronger helios however the crossbow seems cool tho but that’s just my taste cause I use to like playing with crossbows sometimes even tho it still ain’t my fave weapon type but I don’t mind it.

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I think that kind of depends partly on crafting material availability, there were plenty of Jackie’s still available, Lucifer and the other might be more of an issue though. Early in the morning the Jackie’s had about 17 offers and they were down to about 4 in the noon. There were about 78 of them up last I checked.

It at least indicates that Lucifer will probably be included in the event passes at some point sometime soon. Which might be a good investment to un-upgrade with stabs.

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I’m not sure what I think of this pass, but I had decided to get whatever was next, just because it’s Christmas, and it looks like I need to gear up for 9K just to get in a queue.

I don’t like anime, or the paints, or the cab, or the engine, or the gun, or the pole thing, but I’ll try…probably.

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I hate anime too but I like every thing else. I used to own a r32 gtr skyline once that I paid 3000 dollars for that had blown turbos even tho I couldn’t drive it due to not having a license and lack of driving skills so I just got my friends to drive it for me. The car still ran tho just didn’t have much power cause the turbos was gone

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Jackie is over 5500 coin now as expected. I figured the devs would use uncraftable ex bp stuff but didn’t think they would go for something as recent as using items from next step, that is pretty low and greedy if you ask me.

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