The fact that they remove this and allowed a guy to argue IN GEN CHAT in-game about conspiracy theories being true (flat earth, something about 9/11/2001 attacks, Egyptian pyramids being used for energy, etc.) for a solid hour, even though very few people actually agreed with him, is bonkers to me. At least you were talking about the game, this guy in gen chat was talking about some BS garbage trying to force us to believe him and blacklisting those who told him he was wrong. This was only a couple days ago btw. Don’t even get me STARTED on the other things I’ve seen in there…
Illuminati_Killr, If you see this, keep your dumb conspiracy theories to yourself, no one want to hear them. WTF even is an “Illuminati”??
Yeah, my reply to you got flagged and deleted too.
I guess we were a bit off-topic, but feels a bit malicious to me.
Is the Mad Flagger back?
Crossoviet - gulag
It was you, wasn’t it?
what a flaggot
Wasn’t me.
This account should delete in a week so that I can link my PC account to my steam email, so what’s to lose haha