Im not complaining, just noticing.
I guess they got nerfed too hard?
I just think that it goes to show just how many “skilled players” have “skills” when suddenly hitting anything with them requires just a bit of skill re-learning rather than guaranteed success or blind autoaim trust
I think that is the case because the few players I already remember by name who run the same machine gun builds that they have ran since forever are still doing good enough to be an annoyance for multiple matches with them, but now absolutely everyone does not automatically do good with machineguns as a stock setting
I still use my arbs.
probably cuz content creators r always going OMG guys this build is SSOOOO OP its a must use right now use my creator code when u make a purchase
Auto-cannons are ubiquitous now as the rapid-fire ranged option, as they are superior to machine guns. The Miller/Reaper still somewhat viable with the occasional explosive shot. The nerf indeed was too strong, MGs have nothing to offer.
Also Corvo was utterly obliterated by the change, too. No point in using it when Epic-tier ACs do the job better.
AC’s feels great now, i use them to supplement MGs , i remember when ACs users usually often complained about not having enough time to leave their mark in a match cause thy were very short and how helpless they were when they were rushed.
Even the Rapier rocks now.
MGs guns even when they were in the top of the chain, they took too long to make a dent.
in short
the former hitscan weapons have been neutered to a point where you have to think twise if the work is worth it using them.
its like going form a .45cal to a .22 hispano plinking caliber.
a full burst up close on the target means mostly nothing … if you are even allowed to do damage in the first place .
been wacked with two AC50 today and the entire 10 seconds i didnt take any damage.
on the other side you are mostly the one who does non to minimum damage despite being close and hitting most of the shots when you use MG´s .
Just look at Punisher pricing to know whats going on in the MG world, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.
I’m still seeing lots of miniguns, and the MG specialists are still degunning me when I encounter them. But the skill floor has been raised a bit, and I think that’s fine.
I got totally pwn’d by MG-14’s the last time out.
IMO, all the guns are more dangerous fairly evenly all across the board. ACs do stand out a little though.
Personally, I’d like them to tone it down just a bit, and think all the guns are a tad too devastating to provide much of a sporting game experience. It’s very meet and defeat out there, and at almost any power-score.
In PVP, a lot more of the matches I see are over before it even gets started, and I’ve seen more zero kill games since the ammo-update than I’ve ever seen in this game. It used to be a very rare occurrence, now it’s every third match or so; where either nobody gets a kill, or only the bots do.
I’m not ready to go invest in a bunch of MGs to go test them out so I can properly call BS on the notion that MGs are under-performing, but I’d like to…not gonna though.
I blame parralax for their underperformance. Go to your garage, aim at guns on top of your vehicle. Then, moving only the x-axis, aim just to the side of them. Stare at your MGs on your build and watch their aim dip. What it means if you have to lead your target, in most all scenarios, you must also aim higher than would normally make sense. What results is your guns continuously hit below the enemies weapons (i.e. into the massive plow in front of them or the cab in many cases). Its the same as all the other projectile weapons, but you must also keep this going for hundreds of collective bullets to efficiently take out someones weapons without dumping thousands of damage below their guns in the process.
If you want to make MGs more viable and play as efficiently as they did when they were hitscan, you need to put a scope on the same height as the barrels. This way, you elimate the aiming parralax. Put simply, if you slightly lead your target on the x-axis, the bullets will follow naturally like in a first person shooter. They wont inherently want to go down into the dirt like they do when your camera is above your weapons (which is parralax).
They do better at long range now since the update, so honestly i feel like it was almost a buff for them.
SM Hornet, LM-54 Chord, Vector, Sinus-0, Spectre-2, Aspect, Punisher
- Maximum range increased from 300 to 500 m.
- Min. spread reduced by 42%.
- Max. spread reduced by 45%.
- Rate of spread increase reduced by 43%.
- Added 70% penetration ability.
- Range upgrade replaced by projectile speed upgrade.
Since they removed hitscan it’s a lot more skill based and the machine guns can be used for more than close range. You can definitely still strip with them, maybe even better now that there is less spread, IF you are skilled.
I feel like Iris (or the built in scope) kind of does this, although I think the viewpoint is from the centre of your cabin.
just a bunch of bs you dont notice in actual combat.
you still need to fight in under 50 meter distance
you still dont hit anything past 100 meter
and it lucks a lot of punch the alledged 70% is nowhere to find
you might get it around your garage but not on a pvp server
4x Chord needs 3 to 4 full bursts to finish a npc on the Adventure server and those are already the weakest
a few weeks ago (before the christmas update ) you nedded only one burst
I only use machine guns for raids now. I’ve switched to rockets, energy weapons, and grenade launchers. A machinegun is just a weak autocannon. That’s probably why the Whirls are making a comeback.
I could be wrong, but I think Whirls have made a comeback because people figured out they work really well with the Whaler cabin.
At least that’s why I’m using them again.
But they were always better than people thought, they just aren’t good at long range like normal ACs.
I ran that experiment and found that persistent fire from 4xChords pop Adventure bots before the guns overheat a single time, provided you successfully target the cab.
Tap firing might provide even better results. IDK.
Maybe lag is the real problem?
the russian Temu Tomato server cant keep up the pace
Not just MG’s, shotguns and junkbows have all pretty much gone as well.
Game is now just overrun with AC’s and grenade launchers.
Lol. Hitscan-cels discover what everybody else has been playing with for the last 8 years. Seems like hitscan players are and always have been the lowest skill. Smh.