Major rant

Its not like theres only two exact ways to do controls, its obviously on a spectrum. Mouse movement made the game very arcade and dumbed the game down a lot. It was done for console players because controlling omni directional movement parts was too hard for many consoleros.

The skill ceiling used to be higher before that. Doesnt mean it was a sim then, but less braindead.

Heli controls á la battlefield games are arcade too but allow for much more control and raise the skill ceiling by a lot compared to whats in the game.

nobody wants a sim. at the same time, nobody wants braindead controls.
all omnidirectional parts require 6 keys for all directions plus mouse (that is, if the dumb mouseaim feature is disabled). helis require holding W and aiming

erm actually no there are only exclusively two types of controls, being either for those with 15 IQ or those for people with 50,000 hours of formal training.
anything in between of those two models is a figment of your imagination

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You: “If you like helis it just shows youre bad at the game.”
Also you: “helis are just a shit mechanic which is not fun to play. you literally cant control pitch or yaw”

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yea thats what i said