Major rant

I’ve got to say ( i’m venting )

reading some posts( OMG, this game is dying kind of topics) , playing some games ( Next step ).

What a bunch of cowards, soft and weak minded unmatured people, they think they are entitled? Is that it?
Fight you morons!!! this game is about slaughtering and be slaughtered, not giving up and run to mommy because there’s only 4 helis in the other team.

Hold your ground and fight, even if it’s to be defeated, be defeated standing up.

But no, this freaks only want lattes and capucinos without a care in the world leaving team mates out there to dry.

Team play my ass.,


um, what r u talking about ?
next step ?
when no one gets the balls.
or some thing else ?

Next step missions.
It’s not the first time this happens, nor the second time, nor the third time.

Once, two days ago, the entire team bailed out leaving me and a bot facing the onslaught.

I don’t know what people are expecting to find there but soon they see helis and more helis than the team they are in, they bail out.

Normally it’s two players less, a lot of empty space to fill if we are in a disadvantage.

This morons, cowards are ruining the game, the " balance"…
fearful, weak, samples of beings


helis are cancer of crossout so naturally you leave when the shitty gamemode is unbalanced. i wouldnt play this gamemode in the first place but i understand a player would leave if the two teams are flat out different with zero counterbalancing


Exactly this, you are absolutely right. And i can’t understand

You wouldn’t play this gamemode because reasons, so you don’t, right?

So why the fuck others that wouldn’t play that game mode are playing it?
Because in the end, they are not playing it either, they are only ruin the game for others every time they don’t like the odds.

Next step missions it’s there for i don’t know for how long, everyone played it, everyone has an opinion about it. ( mine didn’t changed )

A bit too late to experience and not like it or like it, don’t you agree?

If you go in there you already know for what you are get in into, no excuse for bailing out and ruining the game for others

The mini-pass and main pass both have challenges related to walkers and copters. It’s probably on the edge of some people’s tolerance to even get in the queue for that, but they are compelled to complete their BP.


I’m doing my dailies with my lancer in there to.
An art build, in top of that.
am I bailing out? No.

When i play helis i go to patrol, they could do those in patrol

i play heli incs in next step.
i always hope for bots to be on my team to pick up the balls lol
but yup, its hit or miss, i did notice it takes a minute for ur team to get in the rhythm.
when ppl see all heli’s in a match,its not fun being a fish in a barrel . quit n rematch. makes sense .

well if they dont like the odds then the game is ruined from the start regardless of who leaves. the few times i played next step there seemed to have been more helis in the enemy team and i had some ground build. for the heli its basically pve, so i just left because i couldnt do anything. playing this sort of thing is a chore


I think I agree. I don’t have much patience for the matchmaker shenanigans either. It is my main beef with this game.

IDK what they can do about that with the population as low as it is. IDK how they can address that either.


Probably to them not for the others

make the updates actually good. i could count on one hand the number of times they released a good update in the last 3 years.

I do.

How about locking your build to that battle, you won’t being seeing your build before the end of that match.

another way would be.

If you bail out a match you only could do patrol for X amount of matches,. after that amount , you could return to regular PVP.
If you bail out again, then back to patrol for X amount of matches before you can return.

Some people may find this familiar

this is a thing in war thunder, its a horrible feature (apart from when it does what its actually intended for)

Ya, if they can get it to run smooth, I can live with this.

They could have just nerfed damage on over performing hit-scan weapons though, and that would have been fine too. IDK why they addressed the issue this way. Seems like they created more problems than they solved, and did that with maximum effort and unnecessary complexity.

Their reasons for doing it this way might be tethered to the incoming speed update. IDK. Sometimes these things make more sense through the rear-view mirror. Right now, it seems nonsensical to me.

I hope it works out soon.

About War Thunder idk
But it was a thing in Wargaming. And the games could last 20 minutes, not 3 or 5 minutes

which is the exact reason they implemented the timeout in the first place.
its a good concept but then the server crashes and youre not playing for 10 minutes.

in all fairness though, as much as im shitting on next step, air vehicles in war thunder are way more egregious than fighting helis in crossout. youre just chilling and then you explode instantly with no warning or counter play.

…or they could just stop pushing modes on people that they don’t want to play. I think that would be the more popular fix.

Personally, I didn’t come here for mechs or copters. I don’t hate them, but I also have very little interest in playing them.

Much larger Adventure mode size maps would change my perspective on Copters a lot. Especially if they peppered that with a little RPG. This whole game would have evolved better if they built it on the tried and true game architecture of an RPG, IMO. I’m not suggesting they go full Skyrim with this, but just that the structure of that system is better, and offers a more logical format for creative development.

This crap is undisciplined sprawl.

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you had me at

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its a classic case of somebody adding 10000 features because they think that attracts players. and now crossout is a mobile game that tries to be every single type of vehicular games and its horrible at all of them. they need to remove p2w, all the garbage like helis and mechs, make the graphics (and the putrid new ui) appeal to players older than 3 and mainly fit an actual theme.
crossout used to be an apocalyptic wasteland survival game about building combat cars out of scraps. wtf are we playing now?
we have some sort of mix of mobile game quality + aspects and graphics of fortnite + war thunder + old crossout + racing games and rocket league