Making a gun

There should be a suggestion email for gaijin because I’m crafting a gun on paper and I want to make it a real weapon.

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Post your idea here, they might read it.

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I don’t think the devs check the forum much, but on the other hand, a lot of things suggested here eventually appeared in the game, so it’s worth a try.

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ok. if my gun appears in-game will i get it for free? or am i clueless?


There is a Google Form for update ideas, but IDK if the devs read them, and I’ve submitted a couple for acid weapons (which still aren’t in the game), but you can try it:


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if you want anyone from targem to consider your weapon suggestion, make sure to use this template, and write it in russian:

  1. Suggestion Title
  2. Weapon name - this must be a cool sounding japanese word. You can steal a suitable name from any other dead videogame.
  3. Explain why adding this weapon to the battle pass (optionally making it a relic rarity) will bring a substantial amount of money to shareholders.
  4. Provide details and properties of this weapon, i.e. shape, style, how it deals damage. Ideally make the design have little to do with a wasteland or any environment with a lack of resources.
  5. Provide weapon stats, make sure the design is inclusive and caters to blind and deaf people, people missing fingers or missing one or both arms, and people with less than 35 IQ measured. This is mainly important to make your suggestion sound enticing to the targem employee in question reading the suggestion.

uh russian?

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no no , it’s in Star Trek KLINGON of course !!!

this too funny to pass up !

I think we have all wished that, but no, that will not happen.

I recognize the contradictions in my posts, but both things are true!
The devs do not interact with us here, and probably pay little attention to the forum. But I do recall one of the mods saying that they do report back to them, and we have seen lots of forum ideas appear in the game, so it’s still worth a shot.

But yeah, I would not get your hopes up.

You are such a Negative Nancy!

Please note that gangsterboy doesn’t even play the game anymore, and only posts here to convince people they hate the game too.

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whats negative about my comment? its based on what the devs have done recently. they prefer the russian playerbase and develop the game as if it was exclusively for children. and mainly their objective is to rip off players as much as they can. if they could legally flatout rob you, obviously they would. by far their biggest enemy is not the task of building a big and engaging community nor creating quality and valuable content, its business regulations which prevent them from exploiting users mentality to extract money from their wallet.

i “stopped” playing barely a few weeks ago, so i wish you were right in implying the state of the game has changed in that time, but it hasnt and wont. which is the exact reason im posting anything at all. this game is dead and its time for you to stop pretending its not every single time. gaijin has all resources necessary to massively improve this game for every single one of us all, but people keep paying for bullshit so its not surprising nothings changing.
posting comments that try to disprove what i say for the sake of removing negativity doesnt help improve the game for either of us

lol, I don’t think you’re doing a good job of countering the Negative Nancy characterization.

I can go over your posting history and find all the examples of you admitting that the only reason you post here is to try to convince more of us to be as angry as you are, in a misguided belief that will force the devs to remake the game into what you think it should be.

You are free to spend your free time doing this, and I am free to keep on mocking you for wasting your life doing this, instead of just playing a different game that you actually like.

im not countering any claim but the comment you replied it to wasnt negative.
the only misguided belief here is that the game is in an acceptable state. i will continue to post and you will continue to not care but the fact that the game is a ripoff wont change until the playerbases consensus changes

Stop lying.
Your whole post was a bunch of unfunny “jokes” about how bad the game is and how greedy and evil the devs are.
You can keep trying to gaslight me, but it’s not going to work.

Anyway, you’ve been trying to recruit people here for your boycott for at least a year now, have you managed to convince anyone yet?

Glad we stayed on topic and didn’t end up with another thread that’s just a big pointless argument.

Oh, Wait…

Doesnt matter whether you find them unfunny if theyre true

Is that implying the devs arent greedy?