Thanks. If you could, check out the power drain without Pegasus to see if it is noticeably different. I’m not sure heavy power drain is easy to test with Pegasus as it adds extra power whenever it meets heavy power drain.

As armour probably not but i did a few tests with blue armour packs that i had at that time to see if they could work instead of lances and the success was limited when compared with the real things


That’s cool. This is how a suspended movement part would work in real life.


It’s definitely more realistic. I kind of wish they would put in non-powered wheels that could just deal with tonnage too. It’s one of the few things they are really missing movement wise.

Next time I pack my frame with goodies that go boom, I think I’ll use the ammo packs more purposefully, but I don’t see me strapping them on the outside of my rig ever…but, I’m gonna go try that now, because why the hell not?

I don’t use ammo packs hardly ever. Is there a particular ammo pack I should use, or do they all “work like armor?”

Purple, spaced. It is dual use armor. Triple use rather, as it can cause damage to enemies as well. That’s a steal of a deal.

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The expanded ones had the better durability to weight ratio until this last set of changes…

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The reason why i dropped further development of a poor’s man lancer was two folded. (from what i remember).

1 - the limited success of the blowing stuff compared with real lances. ( cluster vs cluster)

2 - the negative impact they made to build’s handling .
the mass of 3 or more ammo packs ( in a solid shape with very light frontal armour ) plus the extensions needed it to maintain the build out of the blast radius seriously compromised the handling of my test vehicle.

During a limited period of time Instead of a poor’s man lancer, i started to include 1 or 2 ammo packs in my medium builds, mounted, right next to my gasgen when i started to use it.
Was the best option i found ( cause of limited available energy) to deal with wedge builds when they were a thing.
the idea was when i was wedged and the other guy went for my soft parts, then he would be taken out or render useless for the remaining of the match.
I caught a few ones that way.

But i dropped that approach because of incinerators, and other downsides like walking around with extra crispy potential.

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The small gas tanks work better for this really. I’ve tried it with the blues too but they don’t work as well.

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And much cheaper…

I didn’t even remember those (facepalm)

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You want them to be the worst durability ratio ever as your just going to waste spend them. You can stick these on the outside of levies too as deterrents too.

I was sitting here waiting for the server to come up and then realized I have to wait till the end of week on re-reading the dates:

  • Friday, December 8, 2023 from 13:00 to 20:59 (GMT time)
  • Saturday, December 9, 2023 from 13:00 to 20:59 (GMT time)
  • Sunday, December 10, 2023 from 13:00 to 20:59 (GMT time)

Kind of wish they would have just left it on all week as it would have made it easier to test stuff. Anyway just figured I’d repost the dates so people remember there is a second chance of testing stuff on these changes.

I’ll try to take a look at the Pegasus indicator number when I’m on later tonight if the extra wheels aren’t doing their power drain it should reflect on that regardless of the test server being up. At worst I’ll just play with it more at the end of the week.


i do not even see anyone here refer to:

IMPORTANT: due to the introduction of this mechanic, the forced disabling of hovers when mounting other movement parts has been removed.

people blind or what. Free low mass high HP bumpers for hovers that gain most from it.

or maybe its taboo topic here. Thats all from me.

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Those people will just find another way to break the game. I wouldn’t even bother chasing that around trying to fix it. What’s the point? Let them run their hideous exploits. They will just invent a new one tomorrow, and forever after. This is whack-a-mole. Let’em just whack each other.

And, why is Clan Wars (P2W mode) suddenly so dmn important anyway? Just stop with this, please.

They were actually still working on the test server when I tested. They hovered a little low still though when mixing them.

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@DarthStall ok so when I checked in and looked at the build it does look like Pegasus was discounting those movement parts. It’s rating them up at 47 with them all together on the active game server.



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I’ll try to re-test at the end of the week when the server is active again.

nerf catalina,omamori -it’s cancer in game!!!

agree about catalina, omamori idk, since it can improve every build in fact.

but i would add nerf porcs here since most people play hovers and none of them care about porc existing in almost every bronze+ CW(even watching top 1 clan almost always porcs)

Ye, most people do not care about porcs, since they play hovers mostly.

Also its good they nerf flash, but still it will be too low nerf. 3 sec to 8-10 sec to load max perk for 1 flash.
They should just make that 1 flash cant do max perk but litk 20%, while 3 flash could do max.

Because… 60% of higher cw builds use 1 flash.