the omamori needs to be nerfed in a way that it provides damage absorption bonuses to weapons depending on their category and rarity. where it boosts the damage absorption based on a percentage rather then a flat rate. so a shotgun would have far less of a damage absorption bonus then say a high damage weapon like a cannon.

please stop. porcs dont need a nerf at all. your reason for wanting them nerfed isnt valid either. “people dont care about porcs existing” so thats your excuse for a nerf?
that or “people play hovers so they dont care about porcs”. dude you need to have a valid reason for a weapon to get nerfed. you arent providing one that im seeing.

Rarity could be used as a multiplier if really needed but category shouldn’t really matter. Just using % of durability should be able to do the majority of the legwork…


Could there be situations where a percentage would be too much? Like connecting a heavy plow to it, or the cabin?
Math isn’t my strong suit anymore, and I’m too lazy to crunch numbers right now.

As long as they were marked with a rarity it could be taken care of. I don’t think anyone ever asked what a common vs a legendary passive melee or bumper would be like. To me they are just offensive or defensive objects.

The more I think about it, the less problems I see. Doesn’t seem like any high durability parts would break the game if they got an extra percentage of protection from omamori.
Although if the point was to give low durability parts extra resilience, then a percentage would invert that idea.

You just do not understand at all. You should re-read it a lot of times it seems.

Yourself you provided only your idea of omamori change, but ZERO reason why.

so hypocrit here.

Porcs have too much damage, often even more than firedog and they can “shoot” distance and press S all time. At least now they nerf flash that porcs use, but still it will be too low nerf.

If you feel porcs no need be nerfed, explain why top 1 clan play all time with or against porcs. Same about all top clans using same builds mixed with porcs. Every composition using porc, and CW people speak about this on Discord and general.

edit: i seen you write, if you write, finish it.

i think the reason is obvious, incase you havent played or even used the omamori then let me explain.

omamori is a module that absorbs damage, this makes weapons last ALOT longer then they normally would and gives them alot more survivability then they should have. on something like a machinegun they are broken. arbiters have over 300 hp. omamori can absorb 400 hp. well the arbiters gain an additional 300+ hp from this module. these weapons have low durability for a reason.
on a shotgun they can make them overpowered. doubling weapons hp is a death sentence to alot of other weapons. cannons cannot compete with this at all due to their reload function. even with an omamori on the cannon its taking up alot of space and structure.
seriously do you not think an arbiter or two with 600 hp isnt scary? those things can strip you fast, i know cause i own 4 of them.

porcs are meant to have high damage, they are a mine layer. they are also explosive and deal the most raw damage in the game. but they are relics, they are meant to be powerful. i hear the excuses all the time of “the top clans do this” are you in the top clans? are you fighting the top clans? is it really harming you that much?
porcs have a few counters, just dont let them get close to you… alot of people i seen who run porcs dont even run them well, like theyll just face hug you and barf porcs in your face. thats not how porcs are meant to be ran. yes porcs are powerful but that power can only get someone so far. find ways to fight them and counter them.
i have 2 porcs myself but i dont do clan wars or anything anymore, i use my porcs in raids.

they upped the porcs projectile speed before which they only did to combat other hovers, i think this was a bad change but i got used to it. i still dont like it but what can you do?
also dont complain about porcs. they saved my bumper in raids alot, seriously they melt hard raid bosses pretty well.
and if anything i say firebugs are more broken then porcs especially with the blight cabin boosting that already ridiculous damage output.

see? now we are talking. some logical conversation.

I do agree this reasoning. Tho it all still depend on builds.

For example Master repair Cannon with oma working much better for cannons would be too good.

I have cannons myself and i agree they should have more from oma, but it all depend on build also.

With Nova for example you can use Nova shield when Oma is down to reload it.

With Master+aegis even better, it would be almost unkillable with oma working like double hp for cannons.

While personally i would love oma work better for cannons, i do know for some builds it would be too good.

There could be solutions for this also ofc.

Then why we dont see other relics same often? See, this argument is not working. If all CW is based on 3-4 relics.

But still all would be fine, the problem is that everyone use Hovers there mainly because of Porc.

Try use dog/spider when porc spam ground in front of you pressing S all time.

Its basically forcing to use hovers, but again comp like scorp+porcs will cripple hovers to let porcs kill hovers too. or kapkan them and kill momentally.

again… use hovers. game should not be based mostly on 1 movement part.

Ofc there are hard-counters to them, like to everything. But thats why top clans use compositions that have no issue with hard-counters to porcs. And porcs counter themselfs with flash to kill porcs before they approach to team.

i have 2 porcs myself but i dont do clan wars or anything anymore, i use my porcs in raids.

But you see, you do not do CW, so you do not know situation there.
Also all happen in Bronze+, even more in Silver+ where every porc already have flash.

also dont complain about porcs. they saved my bumper in raids alot, seriously they melt hard raid bosses pretty well.
and if anything i say firebugs are more broken then porcs especially with the blight cabin boosting that already ridiculous damage output.

Im not speaking about pve raids.

it is chill mode, noone kill you there with porcs. you just kill bots there.

I feel like Porcs are a lot easier to spot and avoid than they used to be. Did they change the look of them about a year ago?

Obviously they are very strong in some applications, but I don’t actually see them much in PVP anymore, and I can’t remember the last time I was killed by a porc player.

This is very different from a couple years ago, when every PVP match about 10kPS was full of porc spam.

Here’s a Porc counter for you:

My big Helios spider eats Porcs for lunch. The Helios projectile size is so large and the stream is so steady that Porcs can’t miss it so if you shoot at the Porc launchers, they will blow up coming out of the barrel or near the build and set the Porc build on fire. Combined with Helios damage this is instant death, degunning and crippling.

Use 3 Helios, Power Unit, Humpback on Gerridas.

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Ye, porc will just flash/spark you and porc circle arround you, so helios cant even hit him. Escpecially in 1 vs 1 scenario is like this.

But anyway you will not even get close since porc will just shoot from cover and press S. You will die before even coming closer. (mostly CW case for helios spiders)

You will not catch 75 speed with 66 speed spider (well after update maybe 70 but still)

For dogs its better, but still they lighter so they receive more pain by porc hit - before coming closer.

We got some helios spider builds too and it do not work like you say. We started to rarely use helios spiders also because of this reason. You basically rush at porc spammed area and they just press S.

Hovers let us counter them better.

Do you play Silver+ or at least Bronze+ CWs?

Not to mention this Fortress map where you will be unable to even hit porc and die before even getting to him.

Even my gerrida medium cabin spider can circle humpback helios spider even without spark/flash so GL lol.

and btw we almost always win enemy helios spiders so i know what i talk about.

Also remember about kapkan traps you will usually get into when trying go closer to them.

Hi, Yes I play Bronze Sliver clan wars and have for a long time in a variety of clans. I have a Flash and have had Porcs and have played hundreds of games in clan wars against and with Porcs.

I’ve played Porc Bigram spiders, Porc hovers, Porc on Sleipnirs, Porc on Wheels, Omni Porc, 4 Porc, Flash 3 Porc, Porc with Kapkans, Porc with Acari Gerrida Porc, Porc with Echo, Porc with Hadron, Porc with Beholder, Omnibox Porc, low powerscore Porc, High Powerscore Porc. Porc launcher, Porc with Skinner.

That’s just about every kind of Porc.

They’re really not great from the other side. A Porc player has many great games, but drops quite a few awful ones as well.

Get a Flash if Porcs are bothering you. I hear they are getting a damage buff.

Doesn’t the damage ramp up a lot slower than it used to? Has anyone seen how it handles Porcs on the test server?
I’m a little concerned that if the ramp up is too slow that it might not pop the barrels fast enough.
But I don’t have either, so I don’t really care.

i have 2 sparks myself but from what ive gathered…
in my pve matches 1 spark doesnt make a big difference, however multiple sparks can pop my porcs instantly as they come out of the barrel launcher. you can get near a porc with 1 flash / spark but you cant get close enough before the barrels explode on you. with 2 or more you can get close and just explode them instantly.

master cabins are a medium cabin though. they cant really hold to much weight and cannons are very heavy, especially as you get into the higher tiers like typhoons and especially mammoths and mastodons. i dont think it would be an issue. but you also have the downside of the cabin taking increased damage from overheating. this would counteract the omamori as itll need to absorb more damage and ultimately make it fail if its attached to the cabin.

omamori needs to absorb damage on guns by a certain percentage and also based off its rarity and durability. cannons would have the most benefit off this as they have more hp. guns like MGs, shotguns and minuguns wont benefit off them that much. as it stands if you have 2 or 3 miniguns on a omamori then itll last way to long, all someone needs to do is hide until that bonus comes back and bam they have an additional 400 durability on another gun if the first one is sparking. with this method they wont be as durable.

i love cannons, i have a mastodon and a fused mammoth as well as 2 typhoons. they are great and hit hard, especially the mastodon. having the omamori absorb some damage on them would be great cause arbiters just eat them alive.

how long does it take to restore the durability on the omamori? it doesnt say how long the recharge time is on it. even then a well placed shot from a cannon or scorps can 1 shot the shields. but even then that isnt always going to happen.

would be a pretty hellish build for raids ngl.

but problematic.
16 energy
6 mammoth
6 mastodon
12 used 4 left
1 omamori
2 aegis / barrier 9
1 flywheel

thats 16 total there but… can it hold all that weight and still have armor and be able to be viable to use in battle? dont forget that the cannons weigh ALOT.

this is what i run into alot. since the kapkan came out all i usually see is 3 porcs 2 kapkan its really irritating but stupidly effective. i dislike this strategy outside of raids but what can you do?

other relics are a mixed bag though. i know porcs perform alot better then most of them but the reason they are so popular is because… all you got to do is press a single button and aim. when it comes down to it alot of people dont care about aiming, its just spam the fire button and hope it dies.

ive always stated this in the past, if you try to take on a porc build with legs youll lose 98% of the time. legs, while maneuverable, cannot compete with porcs and a hover. they are just to slow and big to make any difference. when i played clanwars i HATED coming across porc builds when i was in my leg build. id get killed every single time. 95% of the time the porc user would just not care and fly right into my face barfing porcs on me.

I strongly disagree. While I hate to be on legs vs a porc with a center cap on a hill, in most cases, I dont mind seeing a porc hover. While they can do big damage, they also cant take big damage. Without hills, they must expose themselves to hit you…and that offers plenty of opportunities for spiders to eat them up

They don’t have to do that if they are mildly competent because they will just prefire and do area denial to shut your team down and limit your map options.

buddy, 90% of hover porc players dont give a load of scrap about hills. they will literally just fly right up into your face and barf porcs on you till your dead. literally every player who ran porcs that i seen in clan wars did that to me EVERY TIME. they didnt give a damn about my typhoons, breakers, tsunamis or literally anything i ran, they just hover right on up into your face and barf porcs till your dead.


I checked out Flash on the Test Server, and it has about a 10 percent damage buff. The engine power perk ramps up extremely slowly. I haven’t tried it since the changes went live.

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New munnin reload perk is nice. Just hit the boost before all of your drones die and they come back fast…especially with a cheetah.

Will probably be playing with this more than the Call now.

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