* MASS TESTING, Third testing

i’m thinking it’s a new system to keep relics out of low ps scores.
anyway it will be here no matter what and we will adapt/lets wait for it,then give our thoughts.

Ya, and like many of their updates, they are incomplete. Meaning that they are intended to go along with some other feature they have yet to tell us about, like the many nuisance updates they gave us that eventually brought us to cross-play, or the camera-steering that prepared the way for helicopters, for examples…we’ll see.

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This can be removed now, camera steering on anything that isn’t a heli is a crime

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i really love the camera steer for my heli inc mvp for patrol’thats in the show your builds post and downloadable in exhibition’ rotoheli_patrol…have fun! :rofl:<Plug… :crazy_face:

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Favorite cab to 80 kph is the biggest footnote here imo. Most everything else is meh.

I mean the Apollo getting that extra energy is kinda big, too

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Are some of the changes delayed so that we wouldn’t riot too much? What about the Hot Red? I need to know! I do have an upgraded Razorback, since around a week after 2024.02.16, but I like to stay informed.

That’s where a heavy relic generator comes in. Which the new energy system conveniently makes room for.

How about a way to ‘tune down’ engine performance to match the reduced the energy consumption? That way, we could keep these legendary engines at 3 energy for those that need the whole package and are willing to spend the energy, while allowing for them to be used at 2 or even 1 energy, but with adequately reduced specifications. Like my probation officer says, “Don’t be a power creep!” :wink:

I’d be able to enjoy my favorite engine’s sound, perhaps at 1 energy (after the update), with a penalty of there being no perk (that I don’t need) and the parameters reduced in line with the energy requirement reduction. As well as the bulky size, heavy weight, possibly an unchanged PS - if I’m willing to accept these downsides. Everyone’s happy, both the power creeps and the modest folk alike. :smile:

And, I guess… Happy belated 4.20? My, aren’t you a connoisseur of paintings… :scream:

A higher energy resolution could help with this. E.g., the Porcupine at 7 energy. The news post from 2024.02.16 also mentioned the Heather at 15 energy and the Mandrake at 13 energy, and more. There’d now be more room for fine-tuning of weapons and other items.

The max possible energy after the update would be 35 which would require both a light legendary cab and odin so they are gonna need to make a little more wiggle room than that. If they buff the max energy of the odin by at least another point then I can see them possibly increasing the energy requirement of the porc from 6 to 7.

They’ve also done a heavy re-work on the power-scores on a lot of interesting items. Some of it seems drastic. It’s a lot to digest, frankly, and without hitting the Test Server, I have no idea how this will all land. Even if I did jump on the test server, the real tell is once it goes live and the min-maxers break into it. The test server only really offers a taste of what’s in store…There’s just a lot in there to contemplate…but “balance?”

No. This isn’t about balance. This is about something in the future that is yet to be disclosed, IMO. This looks like half the picture to me, and will make more sense once the rest of their evil plan is revealed. As it is, this just looks like maximum stupid in 3rd gear, pedal to the metal; a completely nonsensical waste of time and resources. It looks like a huge volume of labor, and for what? If they wanted balance, they could start by taking their thumb off the matchmaker’s scale.

I totally ain’t buying the “We want a fair and balanced game” BS they are selling us. They are up to something, and in the future we will all know what that is. It won’t be about balance, though.

More maps, please. They can round file this crap for all I care…or not. IDGAF. What I do want is more maps.


Are Red Hot and Hardcore 1 or 0 energy?

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what predecessor? is there another omamori we dont know about?
am i the only one who noticed this? :rofl:

if they did that theyd piss alot of people off. not everyone can get an odin generator and id rather not spend coins on it. their better off leaving porcs at 6. but why would you want 36 energy though?

I was just saying if the devs were gonna raise the energy requirement of the porc(which they were gonna do but decided not too) then the only way out is to increase the energy of the odin cause if not than players with 5 upgraded porcs can no longer use a 5 porc combo configuration. They just can’t sell that last porc so they would be stuck with a unusable weapon that they prob spent thousands on or years grinding for.

all you do is just point and laugh.

im joking lol. but i dont think theyll make porcs 7 energy, if anything theyll make them 6.
though idk how to feel about medium cabs having 1 less energy and heavies having 2 less.

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Targem devs need to take a deep breath and do the unthinkable: play their own game. They won’t get everything right the first time, but it’ll be better. IMO they should just do it* and only focus on cabs and modules for now, without touching weapons. Small steps >>> giant leap of faith.

Doing everything at once is nice and all but you still end up with crap like Car Jack 0 energy Enlightnement 1 energy, when the former is obviously way more useful than the latter lol.

My changes regarding what they annouced rn would be Finwhale, Pegasus, Car Jack +1 energy :eyes: I’d have to think about the rest, but it doesn’t seem unfair to me to ask car jack users to pay like 1/30th of their energy for something that basically nullifies a good quarter of the PvP strategies.
Also Interceptor and Argus for 1 energy are nice, but with Kaps and Porcs in theiur current state… lol.

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MEDIUM CABS DESERVE MORE ENERGY THAN LIGHTS A Medium cab should have more energy than a Light. The speed and damage output of a light cab should make up for it’s medium competitors having different energy access. The Hippogriff and Beholder being extra energy oriented to a slow light category in thought. Medium cabs tend to be sluggish in a lot of situations making them even less reliable than heavy cabs even. Medium cabs with more energy than lights would permit their sluggish awkward speed for more usefulness in definable versatile areas. :thought_balloon:

I think they mean the other defensive module, Averter.

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could be, but the averter only boosts damage resistance not absorb it like the omamori does. i dunno any other one that absorbs the damage though so… i think its the averter? odd how the omamori is the superior version to that though.

I think that’s what they mean by “different mechanics”

The Averter is a passive defense module. Works differently by increasing damage resist to parts its attached to, instead of simply giving them HP.

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