Not broken in my opinion. Could be fine tuned, but theys aint broke.
Not broken.
Nothing to detail.
if you have contrary details,
then im interested tOo
it is broken as fuck 80% of matches with one or two less in general
and mostly one team got more actual players
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How about the 7vs8 or 6vs8 matches people are confronted with, nothing broken there?
and dont forget the constantly wrong PS rating like the Mars V bots (5173 PS) rated as 2800 PS
and the constant fucking around with weapons performence each battle anew.
8 out of 10 matches, seems broken.
Got 8 out of 10 screenshots to prove it.
Send those to the fixers
Happy grinDing
Why do yous feel the need to use obscenities.
Its dumb.
Calm down
Happy grinDing
might be broken.
Might be temporary.
Probably fixed now.
Happy grinDing