Matchmaking in Raids

Noticed recently this has become ridiculous.
currently we have 3x 7-8k and 1 at 13k, well guess who’s getting all the points…

Makes the raid a waste of time, the reward at the end is so much worse than if we had equally matched players.

PS difference doesn’t matter in raids as lower PS receives less damage and has to deal less damage to kill the same bot…

Altough higher PS builds tend to have better guns with more DPS…

nope the NPC´s are set to the player with the highest ps in the group

means the one with the lowest got a hard time to keep up.

having to deal with 5-6k bots with a 2k build is hard to manage

it didn’t take me long to reach 5k. Be patient. Grind. Get some of those free goodies. Hit pause on PVE content and come back to it after a while of doing other stuff. Either that or be committed to having a bad time. Your choice.

Raid work by average power score and by the number of players in the raid.

In Crossout, the game’s mechanics for NPC damage scaling do take player power score into account. Generally, NPCs will deal less damage to lower power score players compared to higher power score players. This system is designed to create a more balanced and fair experience in raids, ensuring that players with lower power scores can still engage in the content without being overwhelmed by the difficulty


the mentioned raid had been over for me after not even 2 minutes since the bots had been set for the 6,7k player in the group.