
the maxwell should be 1 energy, not 2. anyone else agree?
i say this because its supposed to be less powerful then a doppler but it has the exact same energy consumption? that doesnt make sense! its a lower tier and it has less stats then the doppler. having it at 1 energy could help alot. have only 1 energy and not enough for a doppler? run a maxwell instead!
i think this would give this module a little bit more use because as it is the doppler outclasses it and for 2 energy why would you not run a doppler over a maxwell? sure its slightly smaller then the doppler but the doppler has alot of advantages over it. anyone else agree?


I use maxwell more often than Doppler, so I would definitely benefit from that.
But I also think it’s currently worth the energy cost for me.
You still get the advantage of less PS and mass, even if the energy cost is the same as Doppler.

All specials (chameleon is another if I recall correctly) should be 1 energy.

Legendary rad needs to be 3 energy (or move legendary reload to 2)

Legendary engines should be buffed and moved to 3 (they originally planned to do this).

Special reload 10%β€”1 energy
Epic reload 20%β€”2 energy
Legendary 25%----3 energy

It makes no sense as is

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I agree, and would not be surprised if they make that adjustment soon.
I am pretty sure they were focussed on doing the energy change in a way that broke as few builds as possible initially, with the plan of making these kinds of adjustments after we got used to it.

the legendary rad breaks arbiters and cyclones imo but its a nice little buff to them. firing longer and cooling is a nice thing to have in one package imo.
i think the reload booster should be 2 energy at least.

Crossout failed so hard after giving everyone a maxwell from that one pack (witch was very useful) and then making the maxwell on 2 energy wich made it unuseable so i had to start using ruby :imp: