Mech legs in patrols

My question on patrols is, Why did they allow mech legs in raids and NOT rotors?
Talk about imbalanced :crazy_face:… I have found far too many flying mech legs in raids now blazing ahead taking all of the kills. One raid I was lucky to make 79 points for my fuel spent. They fly, so why not rotors.
this is 100% :speak_no_evil:

IMHO, If you are going to promote one, All other’s should also be promoted.
Or is this a sneaky scheme to solely promote your current Battle pass?
Imbalance. But yet the age old issue of rotors & the new mech legs not being allowed in Adventure mode due to being “Unfair”.
SMH :see_no_evil:

My question is… why aren’t they in Adventure yet???


thats what im wondering. seems they dont want to make the mode fun.
… or at least give us something new for the mode… :unamused:

dude i have come across so many mechs that just run face first into the enemy and try to shove them around or they just get in the way blocking my shots. even had quite a few shoving me around and running into me on purpose shoving me aside or getting me killed by literally standing right behind me while im trying to back my ass up and take cover from enemy fire. it just seems that the devs ushered in a new age of assholeishness.
i HATE these legs and the amount of braindead idiots it brought in. people rushing through raids, people shoving me around, running into me constantly, blocking mine and other peoples shots, facehugging other enemies like they are looking for their brain cells that they misplaced and just standing behind you using you as cover on purpose. im tired of dealing with these idiots. they need to make raids soloable to cause them rushers just piss me off.

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Patrol is a PVP Mission against AI players. Raids are PVE against AI. The topic should be Mech legs in raids. Aircraft are allowed in Patrol.

What are you on?

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Movie gif. Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan in Wolf of Wall Street stands in an office wearing a dark blue suit jacket. With a bitter facial expression and downcast, avoidant eyes, he claps emphatically.

Yeah his reply was off.