Why there is no one speaking about melee’s being overpowered in 9k power score or in uranium war , a lot of you cry about raijin , mgs , hovers but can’t see you now i think because you already are melee players who speaks too much about nerfing everything but not melee’s it’s so wrong watching melee’s this power and everything you have just got nerfed to help them rip you out , last patch when nerfing mgs you said (developers) that you need to test your skills with aiming or something like that what ever , melee users are nothing but press gas turn right and boom you got 2 kills it that the balance you seeking for or maybe that’s the skills you like !! If it’s then R.I.P Crossout
yeah, nerf melee.
but have you seen the kind of builds they usually “eat”?
came on.
How about people address the issue or try to address the issue first…and then complain later?
And no, i’m not running melee builds but i invested a lot of my time to make my build resistant to melee to see them get nerf now.
I mean i went off my way, diverted resources that could be applied to fight my nemesis . I dislike jacks of all trades
It’s not perfect, as you can see
But the best part is you don’t have to win, kill them or anything, you just have to make them regret going for you, now multiple that in order to every team having several builds resistant to them, they lose efficiency and probably with time, the META goes away.
How about that?
Plows, tracks and so on.
Man, if a META truly bothers you, try to do something about it, other than complain, there are other META that are harder to counter
I do wish people would try something stronger than simply putting it in reverse to counter melee, but I’m mostly with the OP on this topic.
The melee is retarded.
And the fact that it is the only weapon type in the game that no longer needs ammo is just salt in the wound, I say.
The next update will buff the hell out of all kinds of crap that will probably make this melee META less viable…by virtue of nothing being viable any more. Everything will be so deadly, just looking at the enemy will be enough to burst into flames…ya, I exaggerate a little. Hyperbole is my thing, but I do think this will be the effect. The entire game will lean into a peekabu festival of players sneaking around, too afraid to approach the enemy, and with the near complete abolishing of anything that improves rotation speed enough to make any of this massive heap of already worthless weaponry useful on wheels, omnidirectional movement will be a must.
That is at least how I feel about it (not real optimistic).
I don’t think it’ll be that dramatic.
What wont have any effect:
- Armored MGs are currently garbage, and their buff is small (except Tacklers) compared to other MGs, so they’re not going to be used at all.
- Same for Hyperborean MGs. The fact that Gungnir gets buffed way less than Specter kinda tells me Targem pulled those numbers out of a hat.
- Assembler is arguably getting nerfed rather than buffed which is baffling.
- Elephant, Corvo, Thunderbolt aren’t getting that bif of a buff.
- Parser gets a smaller buff than junkbow and co. while it was probably the most dependent on hitscan. I have my doubts.
What’s interesting:
- Reloading shotguns getting bigger burst but less DPS is interesting and should favor hit and run rather than wedging/slamming into the target. It looks like a strong buff and good change to me, but they’re currently so weak I don’t see them becoming OP.
- MGs and rapid-fire MGs really needed some help. Damage’s probably not the sexiest way to do it, I’d rather get more projectile speed, ammo and shots before overheating tbh, but it is what it is. Aspect gets a really good buff, but Aspect sucks since nearly a decade so we can only hope it finally becomes somewhat usable.
What’s concerning:
- Miniguns getting by far the biggest buff out of all machineguns, when they were the least dependent on hitscan… Yeah Arbiter will probably be kinda broken.
- Stillwind getting a usable (and actually really good) perk when the weapon is already so strong.
- Blockchain might be overtuned against frames. It’s already really strong in the hands of someone who can aim IMO.
- Firebugs… Yeah dunno what’s p with this sh!t. I think the intention is good, bt tripling the range with no downside? Huh.
Overall this seems decent. Only thing I truly fear is that bonkers Arbiter buff. I also wonder why they’re not touching regular shotguns tho, they really suffered from the hitscan change too.
Also, Assembler nerf, wtf… “sniping” weapons kinda suck, lets nerf the worst one
the fact that some players manage to deal copious ammounts of damage out of the lowest speeds is sus as fuck …
650 damage with a light cab out of 13 Km/h smells like cheating
concidering that a 12 ton slab of metal caps at 166 damage on the impact scale out of v-max
I truly feels like you’re a melee player , i know how to build a car resist to melee but what about others what if you want to run mgs build or canon or auto canon build in 9k ps you actually can’t put that much resist to them because power score will plow off , last thing u need to know even your precious build against well played melee in competitive mood not just pvp stuff they well eat you bb
The problem with meelee seems to be that the devs want it to function in a way that nobody uses it (slow and tanky meelee bots, Savior) and people use it the other way around (as fast and light as possible build with no hp to speak of, boosters always)
One way to not solve but somewhat help it might be a parameter where depending on the cabin used the weapon either does
-Lowered damage per second, but more initial ram damage, minus damage resistance outside ram damage (light cabins)
-Medium cabins no change
-Lowered ram damage but heightened dps, more hp or damage resistance (Heavy cabins)
This would somewhat balance out the light fast agile low ps builds just instachewing through builds, and buff slow high ps builds so meelee could be used in higher ps maybe
I myself play a 13k Savior build with 1 Harvester and 2 Charybdis that’s big, tanky but slow and does not maneuver much (does not drive like the usual bricks), and I feel like it is a well balanced meelee build, it’s not outright op and while it can do damage, it can also be avoided or escaped easy
Other way to maybe balance it out is add a debuff to meelee weapons if the build has boosters installed. Or to give the weapons some more balance with the tormentor, where instead of tormentor just being an extra damage boost on top of all the other boosts you have going, it becomes more of a necessity to get around things like “If build has boosters installed meelee weapons do -15% damage” and tormentors would have a thing where “Also negates the -15% damage debuff from installed boosters on a meelee build when activated”
Believe me i’m not
9 k builds in competitive mode are highly optimized builds.
I was talking from the normal PVP P.O.V, but if you are talking about C.C.
You better put on the field something capable , if not what’s the point? right?
Even in a fun to play perspective, there’s no fun in being the punching bag all the time.
This build that you saw doesn’t do competitive but it’s my best build to date, it’s foundation, the slaughter event a few years ago, and like the CC had a PS limit and we had to get creative and i learned a lot from it, the build i used on that event spawn a lot of builds, like the ones i build today
It’s meant to counter other type of build, but i had to adapt it to the current META, melee.
Getting creative is awesome.
My build, has in this version (screenshot )
the following parts.
All expensive in weight and PS but they do have durability and resistances, and as you can see i’m at only 7.4 K P, i’m using sidekicks that had around 570 PS now they do have 700 and something.
The difference from this version to an non fused ( cab and engine) version is a small plow, a corner platform left, 2 twin blades and a bumper.
But you can invest in armour and be within 9 k, other may invest more in killing power and lack in survivability, others invest in something else.
See what annoys you more ( melee? ) and go for it.
Like all META, I always feel compelled to target them. I have pretty good luck against melee myself, and I’m usually only running Cobra turrets (my ambition for progress has taken a nose-dive) in an art build.
The problem I see out there most often in regards to melee is not that they are OP. It’s that players continually use reverse as the go-to tactic against melee. They see the melee charge, and they simply go backwards. It almost never works. I don’t know why they keep trying that. That is probably more retarded than the melee itself.
The other thing is that players will rarely do anything if they see their team-mates getting hammered by melee. They sit in camp mode and take pot-shots (thanks for that at least). Then when the melee-guy is finished with his victim, he simply hits the next guy, who does the exact same thing, throws it into reverse, wash, rinse, repeat. One melee guy can go through nearly my whole team like that in about 90 seconds. Then I’m left to face the full enemy team (and the melee-guy) by myself…with turrets.
Point is: TEAMWORK please. Teamwork is the META that whoops all META. Use it, eh? Confront melee users early. They really do have a lot of vulnerabilities, but you can’t go into PVP with a build that can barely drive or corner. I’m not saying everybody needs a hot-rod speed queen, but lay off the Dr. Seuss a little, eh? The best defense is a good offense. Hunt them down. Kill’em first.
And also, BB is right, the plows work. My melee can grind on a snow-plow for like 5 minutes and do nothing at all. If you have a snow-plow, plow that MoFo. Pin him to a wall and let your team gang bang his arse for 5 seconds. Maybe the wedge needs to make a comeback?
And again, try something besides reverse for christ’s sake…unless you’ve got that snow-plow. Then go for it.
Last thing, if you do try to intercept a Melee user when he’s up in your mate’s grill, be mindful you don’t make it worse. That can take some practice and good timing. I’ve screwed that up a few times for sure, like when they get into the merry-go-round of death. This is a good opportunity to T-bone that melee, if you time it right. If you don’t, it can make things worse for the melee-guy’s victim (your team-mate). It takes some practice.
Good luck and happy hunting.
Tracks usually counter melee quite well, either by being able to manoeuvre on the spot and turn the combat favourably or being able to soak up a lot of the damage.
Hovers and legs used to do very well against them but now don’t. Not sure whether it’s just me but legs have huge problems these days, very slow, very sluggish and can’t step on things as well. I won’t go into hovers, they just suck outright now.
Not played with the Atom wheels and only just started with the Omni but I don’t see them being any better then normal wheels.
You’re right though, they are a massive pita and since the demise of Kapkans can’t really be countered by most builds unless you have the spare weight and PS to protect wheels with bumpers, but even then your just prolonging the agony.
The huge problem with melee atm is the new cloak, with the old ones you only had 10s to get in position and make an attack before being spotted so there was a little bit of skill to it as long as people payed attention to the map, but now it’s 30s+ which is enough time to get from one side of the map to another. Unless anyone is running an oculus or verifier forget it, one friendly down without warning.
The skinner isn’t mine but it It was as if it were. I ended up dragging him
I killed him 4 times or i snatched his orb 4 times (as you can see), he was a champ putting me in the first place of my team, but this walker was a easy one, there are harder builds out here
This one felt good.
P.s.- Do i still look a melee player to you?
Battle of Uranium name should be changed.It should be a battle of meele.There is a prize at the end of the battle of uranium. Everyone wins the game for free and everyone plays with meele in pursuit of the prize.Battle of uranium melee should be banned for fair play.
What platform are you on? I see some melee and flamethrowers in BfU and CC (and sometimes play them myself), but seems like ACs, miniguns, cannons, and King mines are a lot more popular.
Might also be regional preferences. I’m on PS4, and in eastern North America.
I didn’t see the issue with melee builds until last night. What the heck is going on? 3/4 of the teams are melee builds. Did the tormentor get a buff or something?