It is true anyway, doesn’t matter how you wanna misslead…
Didn’t say you where wrong about the point, just that your being a total prick about it for no reason. So do everyone a favour and take you’re salty BS comments and do one!
First mode gonna be empty couse they only like to farm the ground builds. Same as with the 2nd. Most of the ground build are only forced into mixed battles to complete event and battlepass challenges. Unpopular modes, both are dead end ín this game. They were introduced to attract new players. Very few % of the old playerbase like them and play them regularly. Should have kept as event and brawl content. With merging them into one mode means forcing. Playerbase would sink drastically.
Man, I woke up cranky. I’m gonna work on that.
This is a driving game, not scrappy low budget war thunder. NO.
It used to be. I think it’s hard to define it as such now. Even the launch-button is a mech…I’m not really a fan of that, but it is what it is.
Half the time I can’t drive for crap in this game (which is unfortunate for a “driving game”), it handles so poorly, like right now. It’s awful, and I’m trying to run Junkbows on a Jannabi with boosters, and it’s terrible with the sloshy steering, crappy brakes, and occasionally just being randomly thrown into the walls and obstacles on their claustrophobic maps.
Works great when the game is running smooth, but that’s only about half the time…and that’s not right now. It sucks.
Ominidirectional movement parts handle this wonk much better than regular wheels, I think.
I think some of that is build design. Wheel placement and wheelbase ratio, cab placement, and weight distribution. Some of the things I’ve driven, drive great and others don’t. When I slap 4 wheels down in a rectangle I tend to have zero issues. When I try driving one of those banana boats on wheels well it drives very much horribly like a banana. I could say the same of most of the walkers and heli’s.
It really wouldn’t really surprise me though for players to blame the game expecting it to compensate for that and make the abnormal preform normal… It’s not all the players fault either sometimes there is really wonky faked physics involved like when the small tank tracks use to flip and or spin themselves when turning fast. Or when wheels suddenly felt like they were attached to rails…
For some people, I’m sure that is the case, but I don’t think there is anything unorthodox about my builds. They are very much car-cars, usually, and the same build I was pulling MVPs with last night can barely navigate an ally corridor today, and is constantly missing its turns, and is generally miserable to navigate.
My builds typically handle great (late in the evening and early morning), because I am a speed freak, and they have to, or I toss them. When I hit that build tonight, afterhours, it will go back to running fine again, or so that has been the routine lately, but hasn’t been uncommon throughout my experience here.
Do I sound like you hurt my feelings by implying my builds are wonky and undrivable? Yes, I think you struck a nerve,