Module idea

A module that automatically alternates fire between two autocannons on the same fire key.

Turns this:
Bang ---------- Bang --------- Bang --------- Bang --------- Bang
Bang ---------- Bang --------- Bang --------- Bang --------- Bang

Into this:
Bang ---------- Bang --------- Bang --------- Bang --------- Bang
--------- Bang --------- Bang --------- Bang --------- Bang ---------

Yes, I know you can do this with separate keys, but an automatic system for this would be nice.

honestly it seems like their slowly throwing mobile in the game

system to make players even more braindead than they are with mouse aim?

I wish they had more trigger buttons. Even just a 6th trigger would be great. AND allow more than 2 flares on a build AND create more flare colors (purple would be nice).

How the hell else are they supposed to aim?? The arrow keys?

no, wasd keys. or arrow keys also

aim with 1234 nd fire with space bar lol