Morta and lucifer garbage

Lucifers have better range but not by much

Anyone try lucifer with steppe?

I unlocked my second Lucifer, and so far I like it!
Did a tanky tracked build with Steppe Spider, and the cabin perk really helps hit things at longer range.
Then I made a fast four wheel car with Manitou, and I’ve been having a lot of fun with hit-and-run attacks. I have to remember to not completely empty the chamber so that I can trigger the perk, but that mechanic may be changing soon. I hope they keep the damage buff with manitou if they get rid of the triggered perk. Has anyone tried that cabin on the test server?

I’m also really enjoying Morta on small fast builds. Made a deadman one that worked well, and now playing a quantum one.

I agree that the Morta is not the best if you are alone but if you have a teammate with you its very good.

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