
I’ve got four fused ones now, but I’m going to try to get six. Tracks have such a different feel from wheels or strafing parts, and these ones are more satisfying to play than others.
And they mesh nicely with tank tracks if you want to make a heavy build.

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Honest question. Do you have the hardened tracks? If so, what do you find so different between the hardened tracks and the sleipniers other than ride height? They seem almost identical to me in practice.

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Sleipnirs with Porcupines are so good. The ride height makes Porcs much better at smacking hovers but the fire resistance is the main draw. I have tried Porcs on Icarus IV, Icarus VII, Small Tracks, Omnis Bigrams and Hermits. Sleipnirs are hands down the best. Everything else gets blown up and burned off in half my matches in the frequent volatile situations I find myself in. Sleipnirs never fall off, they never get burned off, and you are in the battle as long as you have something to shoot. You can spin in place and drive backwards at full speed.

Also, you feel every fusion with Sleipnirs. There is a big jump in responsiveness when you get 4 fused instead of 2 and there is another big jump when you get the final 2 fused. Fused Nothungs and Arbiters are great but I can’t think of anything better to use lighters on.

The strange thing about Sleipnirs, is they haven’t caught on in Xbox at all. They are cheap, and only found on the third page of movement parts. Only Soulless and myself are playing them in high power scores. We have a joint project going and we aren’t posting our builds. He fused a full set of Sleips for tonnage. This seems like a waste, but to each his own.

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I got impatient as i can with waiting on certain items in crossout and purchased a munnin on the market. I have to say that from what little ive played with it i already can tell im going to love it.

You are right i think when u say its the Annihilator cab. That extra damage is a nice little perk and could be quite helpful.

I run The Call mostly and although Munnin is a tad slower (drones still flying 90 km/h though :slightly_smiling_face:) it’s beefier in hp and the power is niiice. I can only imagine how nice the BP one is going to be.
I switched out cabs and now i can really add some HP to my build if i desire.

The look and design of the cab is nice too. You an fit an Annihilator in the back slot if desired or anything else that size. I have my Argus hid inside it right now and she is happy.

The horn is decent but i really love the black acceleration smoke on either sides of the cab.

I cant believe i was writing this cab off based on lack of speed but i see the other parts of the cab balance that out and improve in lots of areas.

I cant wait to get off work tomorrow and play with my Munnin!


I’ve had hardened tracks in the past, but not currently.
These ones are basically everything that’s good about hardened tracks, but better. And the BP fused ones kind of feel like a heavier version of small tracks.


On a Beholder cab with a Golden Eagle fused Sleipnirs are extremely fast. Fused everything they accelerate like a hover.


Power drain is lower

Slepnir have 65% fire resist vs hardeneds 25. Other than that the stats are pretty similar on both tracks. Their stat ratios are pretty equal asside from fire resist.

Slepnir are just better.

Another big thing that stands out between the two is that slepnirs overlap eachother better than hardened tracks.

One advantage hardened tracks does have is that they protect frames better. You have to lair slepnir to get proper frame protection.

One thing ive learned with munin and anihilators is if you have the anihilators mounted between your frames where the anihilators base block is between the frames. And these anihilators are also right behimd the munin cab then you can mount a cheetah in the munnin cab’s little space inside the cab. As long as the cheetah is mounted high on the cabin with the intake faceing toward the drones you can still launch the drones, even though yhe cheetah is overlapping the drones hitbox.

Like so


Yeah slepnirs are great for porcs. Since the changes to hovers in 2.0 i was having a lot of trouble with all the hovers and their ride hight. All my old porc builds struggled to do anything vs hovers at all. It wouldnt have been as much of an issue if bigram wheel mode drove like it used to, but now on bigrams in wheel mode you cant aim porcs for shiz, and hitting hovers with porcs on bigrams just doesnt work well.
Slepnirs def solved that problem withought me having to mount my porcs in more vulnerable positions in relation to cab height.

Slepnirs and bastion with porcs? Excellent. It really puts enemies trying to face hug you at a massive disadvantage having all that resistance to my own porc pew pews. I can smash a face hugger and have lots left over to take out more. Usually i would back away from face huggers so i dont take dammafe from my porcs. With slepnir bastion i just stand in place and watch them burn.

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I’m pretty sure we have a height nerf coming soon.

At lest they had one on the test server.

And a speed nerf.


Yeah i heard about the hight nerf. I was very pleased to hear that. And a speed nerf will solve a lot too. Did you happen to catch what speed they are nerfing them too? I think they need to be at 85km. Though those two nerfs coupled with the shoot through part changes may be a bit too much for hovers. But mih hovers could use some time at the bottom of the barrel.


I think it is 90

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I think the nerf is height on Icarus VII reduced by 1 block, and speed by 5 kph. This will help so much with melee and hover counterplay. I also hope that the cannon rework goes through so there is something to counter hover machine guns.

The question is when is this happening? Its been several updates without a change. Hopefully tonight we will get to play the new Crossout.


I thought they said they were adding the changes to how weapon spread works before the cannon changes?

If that’s right then we have at least 1 more patch before the cannon rework.

I have a 4 python, cheetah, with 2 genesis with 4 shiv steering and 2 standard shiv and the thing tanks and rams hard. It just under 8000 ps and has a total durability of over 9000.

Was not sure about it at first but its got good power stat and tge speed bonus from the cheetah makes it surprisingly quick. I can generally get 3 to 4 kills with it per pvp match and the most i had so far was 7 kills but that was a one off rampage where i just happrned to show up everywhere at the righ time

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