My Lil' Green Rant

I would LOVE all the traditional American Muscle colors… Camaro blue, Shelby blue, burnt orange, lime green (darker than isotope), purple demon etc.

Would love some thin and thick pin stripe stickers the same colors plus blk and wte.


Ah… I learned something today… when I scroll over my images, it show the name of the image as I have it on my PC. Weird.

This is Cold Flame… Love it.

The ones I posted were the ones available in the market on PC that day… Chrome Green isn’t available today, either. :roll_eyes:

Either way, paints are good, but it’s still a matter of preference. And most likely devs will add something over a gazillion of small BP $10 each. Maybe they’ll introduce paint parts… all for a good money suck

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I’m pretty sure I won the green chrome from some event. Anyone remember which one? It might not be tradeable

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  • Score within 1 - 3000 in rating table in brawl Present Heist upon end of Snowstorm event.
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Nome of those are forest mimicry. Forest mimecry is dark green with even darker green lines patturned around it. Its the best green paint imo.

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I want to say it was a halloween or christmas event but i cant remember either. It was some kind of event though.

Yah that sounds about right.

If there was a green named “Money” I think things might be a bit cooler.