Needed changes to exhibition

  1. Make it so you can lock and prevent downloads of blueprints
  2. Allow players to earn coin for each downloaded build (set cost or set by player)
  3. Do not allow players to modify downloaded builds from exhibition or repost a downloaded build.
  4. This should help encourage original builds and not allow for players to run a stagnant meta build without actually building their own version.
  5. In order for players to download builds they’d have to spend coin for each blueprint.

And possibly likes.

1 coin per like, 3 coins per download

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Hmm. Not sure any of your suggestions will result in your goal.
I can look at a build in game and build it. I am sure others have this capability or there wouldn’t be the saying: “Monkey See, Monkey Do.”
Or perhaps I am genuinely unique :laughing:

at least skill will be involved at some point this way


I think some of that would hurt players learning curves. I happen to take apart a lot of builds often just to see where they are placing stuff.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a way to lock people from downloading though. I’ve known a few players that wouldn’t post anything to the exhibit just because they wanted their build to be their unique on build. Something like that wouldn’t bother me much as I could still test drive it.

If you want added diversity though perhaps you should be asking them to merge the exhibition across the all the platforms including PC. It would at least add a greater diversity to the consoles.

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some people also use the exhibition exclusively as extra blueprint storage

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I’d argue that modifying a stagnant meta build is making a build more original, I’ve had tons of fun adding non-meta guns to meta builds and modifying them to further suit my own wallet

But yeah these are some absolute trash suggestions if I’ve ever seen any, all it basically would do is add meta build gatekeeping into the big pile of problems this game has and drive away even more players

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I download my own builds all the time. I’d be making myself rich.

Perhaps you receive no coins for downloading your own build

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Makes sense, but on the other hand, this would be a great clan project! New clan requirement: “Each member must download at least 5 blueprints from all other clan members’ blueprints on a weekly basis.” In a full clan with 20 people, that would be a guaranteed minimum of 95 coins each week…4,940 per year! :money_mouth_face:

Never gonna happen. :unamused:

Brother that amount of coins is honestly pathetic.

You can make more than that by selling scrap in a day.

If they don’t do that because “too much free stuff” then they are justified to make materials unsellable because “muh money”

I kind of look at this a bit differently. All exhibition is to me is expanded blueprint slots. If people like my builds. ok. if not ok also.

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I’d like to be able to filter out certain tags or parts. So I could have an include and a dis-include filter set on the search.

As far as coins go I doubt they would ever go that direction. Even for likes it’s way to manipulatable and they would have to track how many times someone liked it.

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Removing a like removes the coin, and if they have no money they go into post-apocalyptic debt :laughing:

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I imagine if they did implement this they’d have to limit the amount of likes and downloads you can do or get credit for, to prevent spamming coin.

They would have to watch for people transferring coin like that in general. Even if they track a like or a download a player could just delete the exhibit and post a new one and repeat.

So i can post 10 stupid builds, and log in with 10 other accounts giving the builds all a download giving me X amounts coins for no effort?, i smell an expoit in your idea Profile - THE_GRiMM_ONE - Crossout

where are you going to get 10 other accounts

Just make them bro, different emails a chimp can do it.

All for it!