Nerf bricks

Yes. Wash, rinse, repeat. Create a need, fulfill a need: capitalism 101.


I think my next brawl creation will be a demolition derby. No guns. Just passive melee on fast but janky builds with an explosive gas barrel in the back to expedite things. Essentially a dialed back and impoverished version of what this game has leaned into.

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All of your little car builds in a derby on the Oasis map could work well


That actually sounds really fun!

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Itā€™s turning out to be much more difficult to create than I had initially thought it would be. It would be very straight forward if I used the Tusk, I suppose, but thatā€™s not what I want. I want something more reminiscent of the derbies I used to watch as a kid, with the late 50ā€™s and early 60ā€™s muscle car heaps knocking the crap out of each other.

The builds also need to be constructed in a way that they come apart strategically and in an amusing way without loosing their wheels too soon. Iā€™d like them to explode before that happens. They also need to be different, but equal, for a little variety. This is quite the challenge.

The durability parameters are very difficult to gauge and determine, since many of the structure parts do not register any durability increase when I apply them, like wheels, bumpers, or decor, yet I know they do actually add durability. It just doesnā€™t read on the GUI for the build composition.

Itā€™s going to be a tough brawl to create and make both amusing and fair, but if there is one thing I love about this game, it is the build feature, and this will keep me deep into it for quite a few hours, I suspectā€¦and itā€™ll give me an excuse to use some of those more flamboyant paints and stickers Iā€™ve been collecting.

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I might actually steal your idea and enter it into the console brawl.

I guess it should be a free-for-all match, with preset cars. Respawns?

Iā€™m thinking lots of explosives: a rune and both fuel tanks. Maybe an amper too. Probably put them all on shivs. Although the camber wheels have that kind of janky quality you want in a demolition derby car.

Are you doing one stock car, or multiple ones for people to choose from?

Edit: just realized if would be more realistic if you did it as a race, but with no respawns, and enough laps that most people will get knocked out before the end.

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Rework omamori to work as a debuff sink opposed to damage sink, nerf cloak & radar detectors + radiator fusions, remove all faction armor resistances, buff long range alpha strike weapons from special rarity up to relic (excluding scorp), buff non-hover omnidirectional parts, buff wheels to have unconditional full reverse speed and diagonal steering if such setting is enabled in controls, change camera steering to be an assist rather than a full blown replacement for ordinary steering, and nerf catalina starting damage to 50-75%.

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They ainā€™t gonna nerf anything

Best you get is cosmetic ā€œbalance changesā€ like reworking armor parts but not touching weapons and modules etc parts at all and whatever the recent energy rework tries to play itself as

I stayed up way too late tinkering with this, well into the wee hours of the morning. I built multiple cars to choose from; four, and then mirrored them with alternate paint jobs for separate teams.

I was thinking Slaughter mode for this brawl, because it allows you to score points based on how many parts youā€™ve destroyed.

My issue with building it at this point is being able to test it. Not all modes seem to allow me to conscript bots, and it was a lot of trial and error as far as the vehicle construction went, so I needed a mode to run tests with bots. Right now itā€™s an ā€œencounterā€ on the Sector EX map, which seemed ironic to me, because I really hate that map, but for this it was ideal. At this point I feel like it belongs on that map (Iā€™ve played it so much), and itā€™s got a very ā€œFight Clubā€ atmosphere (abandoned warehouse) which I sort of like for itā€¦but maybe we shouldnā€™t talk about that, because of that one ruleā€¦

You know, I thought the same thing, but I tried that and it surprisingly didnā€™t really work out (some of the reasons seem buggy and odd). I tried loading them up with all sorts of passive melee, spikes, and teeth everywhere, but it made the cars too durable, and matches never resulted in getting to the explodey bits in the middle for that satisfying BOOM! rewardā€¦Itā€™s the only reward, after all.

Anywhoā€¦Iā€™ve got a build system worked out for the cars now, where they are all the same(ish), and have equal vulnerabilities and strengths, but are still different, and itā€™s working pretty good. It takes effort to get to that delicious explosion in the center, but itā€™s not so hard as to be disheartening.

I like the damn thing. Tā€™was probably a stupid idea, but it turned out to be a fun project so far. I might like to tweak a few stickers or paint on a couple builds (I always think that), and I need to make an alternate paint scheme of one particular build for placing it on the opposing team. I also would like to be able to test it out as a ā€œSlaughterā€ and not an ā€œEncounterā€ but that is sort of being held back by my inability to conscript bots, and I donā€™t really want to inflict a half baked idea on the public, so It may stay more or less how it is. IDK. Whateverā€¦

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Yeah, I had the same issue of cars being too durable. But Iā€™m liking the shivs because of the grinding damage and because they donā€™t get knocked off as easily, leading to more drivability even when your cabin is smoking.

True story. I liked them too, but it seemed easier to reach my goals by avoiding them.

Iā€™m still tinkering, but I am getting a kick out of the projectā€¦I wanna build more silly cars, but Iā€™m going to have to make some room for storage space by deciding what cars I canā€™t live without for PVP.

Iā€™ve also spent a lot of coin on horns and paint last night and this morning for this gig. It was worth it. They donā€™t usually nerf decor and paint, and I do fine in PVP without chasing after Relics, so I donā€™t feel too bad about blowing the coin on what amuses meā€¦yes, Iā€™m rationalizing my bling addiction.

My name is DocSavage, and Iā€™m addicted to bling.

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