Nerfing old stuff so new stuff shines

So, Incinerators got nerfed because nobody was excited about Jotuns. Now Tempuras got nerfed because people were not excited enough about the Tachi. What do you think is the next thing that gets nerfed because people are not too excited about something new, or something new is not good enough compared to what we already have so nerfy nerfy. I am guessing Reapers, because a new relic minigun came out and some people are already favoring Reaper over the Devourer because of how the firing works. Harpy possibly, that might be a stretch but they are really pushing Steppe Spider to be the only rocket cabin worth anything.


Gerridas for the new mech legs


IMHO it is a dishonest business tactic. Which dangerously borders extortion IMO. The unfortunate evil of the gaming industry . I was excited about the new Lucifer weapon, then reality set in as the memory of new weapons past have been deemed useless due to the new flavor of the month scheme. I am $10 richer!
Bad Gaijin… NO money for you!


Items are always going to be situated above or below what they put out and what they are related to part wise. I don’t think it’s a hard concept they need to make room so they nudge stuff out of the way.

About Incinerators there long story because helicopters builds only with flames are really annoying when are 3-4 helicopters players with incinerators in game the rest of team have no time to get to enemies because they die in flames that one of reason why incinerators have nerf. Of course should be another solution like better programming tactic move of bots. Like cannons bots go fight with ground players and for helicopter aim machine guns bots. but its more work than nerf :smiley:

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the incinerators didnt need a nerf that hard though, the solution was simple, lower the % at which they heat parts. if your in the flames its near instant 200% damage. that shouldve been lowered not nerfed into the dirt.

incinerators got nerfed cause the crybabies on reddit wanted it nerfed cause “boohoo near instant heating is bullcrap!”
im glad the jotun got a boost though and it made the weapon all the better. you dont just need to rely on getting enemies to stay in the puddle, now a direct hit does deal extra damage and chills parts more. i like the jotun more then the incinerator now. which is sad cause i always used to run the incinerator.

the devourer is really tricky to use and practically requires you to land all your shots. on top of that it requires 2 battlepass items to make. yep they went there! F us in the A am i right?


The fact that it’s a relic?

I just want my fucking typhoons and omnis to work.

Phoons are what i am aiming for this year. Never had them. what’s wrong with them and omni’s?

Unusable damage, ergonomics, weight, and omnis have zero grip. You will spend all game shooting players as fast as you can reload and score the fewest points. Its perk is useless even if you split triggers because overheating 30% faster isnt a big deal. 30% reload is nice but its more disruptive to play 20 degree firing angle cannons with split triggers than it is to be shot at by them.

Comparison challenge Here are 3 weapons of the same category to compare which one is the latest model . Waltz, Lucifer & RL-9 Helicon.
Check the performance of each unit and compare the stats. I would be interested on your thoughts in the comments.

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Performance wise I’d say Helicon/Waltz > Lucifer, but due to explosions being kind of weak, especially on the Helicon and Lucifer, they feel about the same with each of their quirks and strong points taken into consideration.

Out of the three, the most damage can be dished out with Waltz, but it has artificial suckiness attached to it that is the firing mechanism of needing to charge the shot before it comes out. Helicon does not have this, and has the added effects, but once again rockets kind of weak in general. If Waltz fired like the Helicon, it would be the best out of the three by a long shot. If Helicon fired like Waltz, it would be the relic equivalent of what Vultures are to Yaoguai (higher rarity, worse gun) and would not even do much damage. I’ve seen Helicons do some nasty stuff, but at the same time I’ve seen them manage to not really do much anything.

Lucifers are the direct equivalent of Thresher, where Thresher struggles to do anything in lower PS, Lucifer struggles to do anything in higher PS. Even if the different functionalities (one being cooling, one being reload, one being grenades and one being missiles) they both suffer from lots of small flashy explosions that barely tickle the enemy. At most these guns only work as a jury rigged flashbang where you can disorientate the enemy with the spam of explosions, but even after emptying your guns for all they can shoot in a single volley, you really have not done much damage befitting of how flashy it was.

The only upsides to Helicons when talking of these three guns imo are the ease of use upgrades when compared to the Waltz, where it simply fires when you press the button, where you want them to be shot into. On Waltz you generally struggle with trying to get the missiles to come out and go where you want them to go. And Lucifer is just a Legendary Thresher. But I can’t take helicons into actual combat because I am not rich enough to try out relics anywhere outside test driving builds off of the exhibition

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Kind of ironic, I was watching “The Salty Redneck” video on the next mini BP, In the crafting upgrade menu is the Waltz. :rofl: Almost… but not as good of an upgrade as when it was first introduced years ago. More polishing of the weapon category again.

I agree :100: Then that crazy reloading drama… That’ll get you smoked if you ain’t careful!

Same issue. Relics are priced far out of my game budget. If if I grind for them, the uranium (Unobtanium) is far too costly it would take another decade of my life to grind for at least a pair of any relics. Then again a well fused Legendary weapon can knock out a relic . That ain’t happening, be lucky to live another decade at this rate. One other weapon of this category, The “Snowfall” LMBO what a hunk of… Eh, I’ll just stop there lol.

Hi, @ll,
Already, to answer at the end for the Devourer, see you in 2030 given the excessive and downright crazy price. In any case, I don’t just rely on the equipment to obtain a victory, my brain is there to make up for it, to compensate for the money that it requires if we fall into all relics!
I’m a little late, it’s a little busy for me at the moment (yes, it’s vacation but…). For the incinerators, all these screams, these tears are really starting to annoy me. They have been lowered and widely!

  • Fire pool damage reduced from 5 to 2.5 pts (divided by 2)
  • Room heating rate reduced from 20% per second to 5% per second (divided by 4)
  • The damage from projectile explosions has been increased from 30 to 120 pts (it’s global so aim well and several times!) while everyone on the ground feasts on weakened bots, eh?!
  • Added room heating due to the explosion of the projectile (25%) (if you aimed well!).
    Then, there is one thing that almost went unnoticed, a shooting angle reduced to death which made the aiming sight disappear depending on whether you were shooting. At first I thought it was a bug lol. It has been corrected but remains a but… I think you know very well that I play helicopter + incinerators and do a lot of MVPs in all humility. That’s not my goal when the game runs and resets to 0, it’s the badges and God it’s difficult with, the ones that get in my way (without apologizing: Are you a Human? └> check mark the box !)
    Those who destroy everything I do, many have copied (great) but do it well without annoying me (sorry). There is even one, who (several) who follows me, never stops honking and killing the bots that I undertake, Razor to name him. Luckily, it’s been a while since I’ve seen him and I don’t miss him ^^

You should know that I only have 1 MB/s of bandwidth with ping sometimes losing packets, wow great! From up there, I also often help and cover for some mates in difficulty, this poses no problem for me and in fact it would be good if many did the same! As I said in a previous post, in Clan Showdown, I have the impression of playing against 7 opponents because there is this madness of the point at all costs even letting your partners die. So ego or question of maturity or whatever, where is the limit? It’s a game, normally to relax and perfect a social life with Discord for support, right? Well, I have blisters on my fingers, have a great summer and have fun, that’s LIFE!

Nota : I hope this is the last time we have an update that destroys all our construction efforts down to the gram, that’s fair to say. I have armored vehicles with a surplus of energy that I have nothing to do with and on the contrary, for others I lack energy but worse, it destroys the whole meaning of the construction internally and in the end that do we destroy it? Destroying hours of construction, NO MR or MRS Gaijin, I’m fed up! I would rather play than spend my time rebuilding the facade because the wall has once again collapsed! Let those interested know, I thought I read that if things didn’t work out, you shouldn’t hesitate! Our team is going to make a complaint, this wheel thing, no but it’s nonsense! We ruin ourselves trying to perfect the best (I’m not necessarily talking about money) to have fun and fall into absurdity, what’s more, it will cause sales to drop because it doesn’t go in the right direction. Why have this or that module which saturates energy, or such and such weapons? Think about it :wink:


Ces français qu’est-ce qu’ils aiment râler ! lol

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Targem would nerf old items in order to sell new ones? Color me shocked :open_mouth:


or as certain forum megaminds might describe it, Targems immense efforts to balance this game very carefully purely for the benefit of the player with absolutely no monetary effects in mind at all (apart from giving the average player less incentive to pay for packs of course)


I am sure this is not how changes are made. It’s much more about the overall statistics.
Not that overall statistics are perfect: the big issue in this game is how much better an experienced player can perform with any weapon. This can give unreliable data for weapons, depending on which player demographic groups are using a particular item.

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Hi, Poony4u,

Weapons and equipment aren’t everything either! However, it helps! Put a Ferrari in inexperienced hands and a Fiat 500 in an expert, I think the second one will arrive whole at the finish :wink:
On the other hand, where you are right is that there is a gap between the players and that it is growing. Even in CW, when I just read that there would be teams (Clans) who would lose on purpose, sorry but when we come across guys who are full relics (that goes a little in contradiction with what I said before, but not in this case) PorcupinZ, RiperZ, PunisherZ, BreakerZ, etc… I’m like an idiot whith my Sinus… Got to go, see u all on the field and please, think about the Update It is not too late ! It’s not the army, it’s a game, and I no longer enjoy correcting the correction that I already corrected because it had to be corrected… Did you understand?!
