New damage type

Maybe damage type is not the right word, but effect
Because currently it feels like there is only heat and explosion, or both (Athena)

We also have direct damage and damage over time (I’m sure their are more)

You could definitely argue that Acari is a whole new type of damage. And the mechanism could be used for other types of weapons (acid, nano bots)

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As far as I can remember at the moment:
Damage Types: Bullet, Splash (explosion), Collision/Ram, Acid, Heat, Electric, Plasma, Melee, Rocket
Modifiers: (AOE) Area of Effect and (DOT)

Some of the types are just flags as far as I can tell
Currently acid leaves you heated
Plasma is currently considered Electric & Heat though it doesn’t seem to leave parts heated.

I’m not sure if the Acari is a drain durability mechanic or DOT.

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You’re right. There has never been a percentage damage gun before. Acari shot: Boom. Hit a tire. 15 percent damage to the whole machine. This is completely new.

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Acari is a DOT weapon.

I looked this up. The proper game name for this type of weapon is the “percentage damage attack”. It is also a damage over time as Monkey says.

A percentage damage attack PDA ignores resistances and instead subjects the enemy to reduction in health based on percentages or dice roll.

The first time I’ve seen something like this was in the 80s PC game Masters of Orion. The top gun in the game, the Black Hole Generator had 25 percent odds of one shotting every enemy. So you shoot 7 of them off at once and then everything dies.

Acari as a Percentage Damage Attack is definitely a totally new type of damage. It isn’t bullet, electric, fire or explosive damage and it goes by its own rules, which is subjecting the opponent to a formula rather than an attack. The formula is 15 percent total health distributed over 3 seconds of leeching, with a max debuff at 25 percent total health.


Yeah, DOT is more of a general group and PDA would be the specific sub-type.

The % thing is a good twist on it - not many games that I have played do it by %.

Many games DOTs will be tick damage, poison for example, where the time ticks away and every (insert time here) they take X amount of damage in a single burst or tick.

I would also like to see an AOE weapon that the damage comes from the weapon itself and the damage is spread in a radius form it. (Kind of like how the Daze works - but with some form of damage)

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I think at this point electric could be separated from energy damage. Then you can streamline things a bit by making all electrical damage slow targets to an extent, but have it be more widely resisted.

It doesn’t help much with the stagnancy of weapon designs because it’s already close to that in practice, but it’d allow better fine-tuning

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The slow effect might be completely separate from the energy damage type flag. Only the coders would really probably know unless they mentioned it to someone else.

i want to also see freezing types of weapons like a liquid nitrogen launcher thats similar to the incinerator. itll freeze a large area and anyone who is in the impact area is chilled with their parts being brittle and taking more damage. also the area will be VERY slippery.

we didnt want to see more heating / fire weapons but we did. i want to see some ice weapons. freezing the ground would be fun and letting people slide all over the place would be funny. imagine chucking a liquid nitrogen canister and freezing the area and causing someone to slide into the acid swamp xD

its why i suggested a liquid nitrogen launcher. it would freeze the area its launched and make it insanely slippery. an oil drum would work to. push a button and you drop a big circle of oil, if you throw fire on it itll catch on fire and anyone inside will take increased damage.

indeed which would also make them take double damage as i said above but this would also work as well. though this would work in both ways, both as an offensive and defensive option.

what weapons have acid?
oh wait this one does

The acid that is currently in the game isn’t a weapon it’s the lake itself.

ok then go ahead and dump the lake on them. scoop it up, fill up a porc barrel with it, put it on an incinerator, launch it into the stratosphere and watch it rain down acidic justice!
then you could say that they really are on “acid” :rofl:

I feel like Acari is the easy way out for all the suggested cryo and acid effects

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