New engine Idea: the "Giant"

What if there was a new engine specifically for heavy builds, other than the Pegasus? Something with these stats:
Rarity: Legendary (Light orange)
Power Score: +500
Tonnage +10000
Mass Limit +5000
Cabin max speed +5%
Cabin power +25%
Durability 750
Energy Drain -3
Mass 800
Perk is that it increases durability of other modules/weapons/movement parts on the build by 10%

It would need to be a large engine, similar in size compared to the Torero cabin (but it has to look like an engine, so it’d be a slightly different shape).

Crafting materials needed: level 30 with the Engineers faction, 1 Gasgen, 2 Colossuses (colossi?), 1 (or 2) KA-2 Flywheel(s), 100 scrap metal, 750 electronics, 750 copper, 750 batteries

I’d love to make a picture but my art skills are horrible. :sob:

Reason to add this: A lot of people use fast and maneuverable builds to destroy heavier builds with ease and not take a hit. This engine would be mainly for heavy builds, so in order to use it properly, people would need to use heavy parts (cabs, guns, movement parts, armor, etc.). This would make heavy builds slightly less vulnerable to fast ones, and hopefully more popular.

Let me know if I missed any major details in the description of my engine by replying here!! Also let me know your thoughts on this idea here too!! :smiley:

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The engine’s perk (for its intended purpose) should be to increase the damage resistance of all modules/movement parts/weapons by 5% for every 5000kgs of mass the vehicle has.

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good idea, even better lol

unfortunately slow heavy builds arent all that good. in raids they can be used to tank alot of hits but in pvp if someones faster then you then your more likely to lose. with cannons and other weapons getting a turn speed buff that might be less so because the cannon can be able to keep up with the turning speed. however there comes another issue at hand and thats hp boosting cabins as well.

like this, we have a cabin for this purpose and its the machinist which gives a boost to weapon durability. this can get far out of hand if this perk is given to that engine. sure the machinists perk is a max of 35% extra durability but lets take into account how heavy the builds can be.

currently the max mass limit is 26,400 for both the cohort and the machinist cabins.
lets take into account both cabins have that weight limit at max and then throw on that engine.
right off the bat the engine gives a bonus 5000 mass limit bringing both cabins to 31,400 mass limit. lets say you max it out at 31,399 mass limit then, what will the bonus be?

machinist cabin with a 35% hp boost to weapons. a boost to 5% for every 5000kg of mass comes out to 30% hp boost to modules/weapons/movement parts.
mastodons have 1505 hp + 65% = 978 + 1505 = 2483
add a omamori to that and you got one scary fricken build…
on top of that add in the boost from meat grinders and holy crap the potential this set up has…
AND on top of that the recent turn speed buff to. yeah dude thats really scary…

Scary, but slow…

Either that or all their parts are wheels and no armor

imagine taking 200% damage from 2 charged mastodon shots… yeah i doubt any weapon can survive that. if its anything like a shotgun or mg a direct hit and those guns wont be guns anymore.
also it doesnt matter how slow a build is, if you can land your shots and take off their guns then your more then set. fast builds have more spread where as slow builds can take better aim, at least in my experience.

Wouldn’t this make cannons scarier??