New features of the upcoming season. Part 2: Co-drivers system rework


But seriously, how much time left before stat new cashgrab shotry BP coming out?

Somewhere in one of these announcements I think it says July. Maybe it was the live stream? Seems like a while to wait, eh? The game feels like it’s in some kind of limbo.
The update sounds extreme.
By the end of the year, I expect this game will be very different from the one I started playing. A lot has changed already.

I know this is not real and just a joke, but…
The pooping dog icon, and the ‘just don’t’… I love it!
That kind of intelligent well placed humor in a dark game where you would rip pedestrians apart and wreck metal bending havoc was EXACTLY why I loved Carmageddon (it was full of it). That game made me a fan of car combat.

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