Others in development?
*Lifted from r/Crossout @ComplexVermicelli626, Thanks.
ohh those look like a… 3 by… 6?? on the top and… 3 by 3 on the bottom??
looks nice though!
I think so, and there’s suppose to be several other 3x whatevers coming.
This seems like a positive development, eh? I like it when they buff the build feature.
dude new frames are always a good thing, gives us more to build with!
im just wondering if theyll include them for free or if their going to inject them into a battlepass.
The last time they updated frames, they issued all the new parts for free. It’ll probably go the same way with this.
Maybe it’ll hit with the blueprint update…and the speed update…after they fix whatever’s wrong with this last update.
so what are they doing with the speed??
Nobody knows. They didn’t elaborate.
hmm… i hope they dont screw it up more.
if anything i think they are going to make light cabins faster / the fastest, medium cabins go at a slower speed and heavy cabs will be the slowest.
if not that then maybe reversing the changes to speed they made before?
i always thought the +3 km/h upgrade was pointless anyways. it made no sense when they slowed cars down in the first place.
maybe theyll raise the speed cap??
any thoughts on what you think is going to happen?
the frames already barly fit properly to any cabin, it seems like a lazy excuse to be even more unaccurate
I think they are looking at a new way to calculate virtual space(time)=speed. I don’t think it is just another nerf/buff update, but will likely also include that. I think it is another step in their “optimization” agenda.
I also think it is this block of new code, or new approach to making those calculations, that they used on the bullet update, to make that info economically viable enough to handle the increased amount of data (now every single projectile and bullet is a 3d object) now being transmitted over the net and not negatively effect player input vs response. But, it’s not working the way they intended and is causing glitches.
This wasn’t a leak, this was an official announcement on the discord. 3x3, 3x5, 1x3, 3x6, all sorts of weird frame sizes that are very useful
omg really? so they DID read my post here then? xD
cause i asked for these before and people thought it was a bad idea or something or they thought it wouldnt get added cause of durability differences or something. glad they are adding them in!