New Paint Ideas

Got any?


Epik mspaint skils incoming

One might notice I have a thing for retro patterns


I like the rainbow pixel one :smiley:

Yeah speaking of paints, I got the “snowflake” paint from the Xmas event. What a disappointment. When you use it, it removes the paint currently on the part, and just pastes a snowflake on the original drab color of the part. Serves no purpose. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Wound up recycling it and 4 cans of “midnight”…I shoulda known better, and got burned…but that’s another story. :unamused:

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yup, i was like…should of had a black backround

We need more metal flake. There are also current paints that would be cool in a different color.

I made a solution to this on an old topic, but IDK how many people saw it. I want to layer paints, so I can have something under the transparent parts. Maybe add translucent paints in there too?

I like it, although it is not what I expected either. It is good for very particular applications, and is more like a specialty item than a general purpose paint. It’s a bit subtle, but I’ve found a couple applications for it that I do like a lot.

Like to me this game suffers a lot from having too many paints that are 50+ different shades of gray with 1 pixel difference in hue or sheen in either direction, same on almost all basic colors, and not enough colors or patterns. Like the checkers for example, you could make that paint in multiple different color combinations rather than having black and white or same black and white but I think the squares are like 2 pixels smaller or bigger. There are a few unique patterns in this game, like Jelly, Swedish Lasagna, that really you could poop out in any two color combination and instantly go big. But no instead we have gray, gray + bullet holes, gray + dust, gray but with a metallic sheen, gray but with a slightly whiter metal sheen, gray but with a slightly whiter metallic sheen + dust, grey but 1 shade darker, gray but 1 shade darker + bullet holes. And all those look the same on an everyday potato computer literally can’t tell them apart

Still though credit is where credit is due, lately we have had some good paints, like the current pass syndicate ones, sky camouflage, polymer alloy and mind shadows to an extent


I like the top right one there, looks nice!! :smiley:

I use one black paint and all the other paints sit there in storage unused, only exceptions are art builds, but most of my art sucks anyway. :sob:

I usually either go 1 color for car + different color for wheels/hubs, or then just spam every possible color in my inventory on random parts to create a colorful clown car

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