* New ravaging season in Crossout. Part 3

More scy-fi BS.

How about more SGs, MGs and alike?

This game is becoming more and more Mad max in space than everything else.
I must start training my Vulcan greeting.

FFS, even in BattleStar Galactica they used shells and nukes not this Jedi/Sith crap.

ITS A RYNO!! maybe they shouldve named it that… then theyd have to deal with insomniac soooo maybe not?

this thing looks… interesting.

what if by rapid fire they mean you can release all the ammo at once with the push of a button releasing one massive blast of rockets? that would be pretty powerful but also extend the reload time. though i imagine the main set up for these would be hadron, flywheel, king and ammo packs. they said it has a VERY long reload time which has me worried. the fuze drones have a stupidly long reload time of 30 seconds and i hope the weapon does not have a reload time as long as that. im hoping itll come with a reload perk.

i want a nuclear faction that specializes in nuclear weaponry. i figure steppenwolves would be the ones to fill that faction in but seeing their weapons they dont look like they would.

You do know that the Ravagers have the combined computing power of not only countless humans but the technological might of Lloyd as well?

Energy weapons like this make sense in the lore of the game. Hell, we have railguns in real life. We have plasma cutters (not quite like the blockchain, but they exist), we have lasers.

There is plenty of META-abusable machineguns and shotguns available. They’re trying to add unique weapons that do cool things.

The game has a significant science-fiction aspect. Have you not seen the Dawn’s Children? They’re literally sci-fi the faction.

The game can do its own thing, it doesn’t need to be “only apocalypse, no new technology”.


I kind of figured fast sequential firing till reload from what they described.

They already mentioned the perk:

It’s just not known if it’s useful or not right now. i.e. how much is some projectiles and how many parts does it take. They also mentioned it’s going to have a parabolic trajectory too so this idea of precise shots might not be easy to pull off…

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Lore wise

wasn’t me that set up the backdrop of the lore of this game, with a bunch of V8s roaring around a wasteland.
Ok this game is set in 2054 after a Virus struck humanity, just a small portion survived.
Knowledge, more complex types of organization, industry ( and all that implies, like logistics, supply chains, energy infrastructures and so on) economy that are needed to sustain the type of technology they are pumping out are just non existence with the lower level organization we have ( tribal factions).
In one side you have parts, used parts, wore down looking parts that the paints won’t cover in the totality and in a homogenous way, in the other you have hovers, brand new looking hovers, it just don’t make sense.
As i said this game is in the future, yet, in maps like founder canyon, nameless tower and many others we are stealing data, fuel, and whatnot locked in an never ending faction war among long abandoned human made structures, with water rations as a reward, electronic components used like jewels
Every one of us should make our own ammunition, go to a flea market instead of this wall street stock market in this environment.

Maps should show hints of rebuilding, first steps of a new industry, new or already existent factions with a more complex organization capabilities, builds that show a more corporative overall look, older parts available but with a fresher look ( keeping the wore down ones as is in the same time ), changing some descriptions, voices over, type of portraits ( there are some i doubt very much they can write or read or even if they know what a bath is, i don’t believe they know how to use a high tech weapon).

Devs said OVERCHARGED 2.0 was a mark in the game i’m not seeing. The game don’t touch the lore only worsen his consistency, ok.
How about some circumstantial changes instead? to improve the immersion and help the acceptance of this new trend without having to stretch so much the suspension of believe

And it’s just not that, the game is pushing mainly legendary and relics now, rare, specials are forgotten, epics are being forget too.

i know they mentioned the perk of reloading while you hit something buuuuuuuuuut…

theres also this to deal with. this perk might be incredibly hard to activate since if they are going to have a hard fall off then this will be an issue…
if this is the case then why not just make it a mortar rocket launcher? id much prefer having rockets that fly in a straight line as opposed to ones that arch over your target. we have to many of those and they never prove to be any good.

Wouldn’t sell that new pack lol…

The Dawn’s Children hide all of the advanced stuff/supply chains away from the world to protect them from the Lunatics. Rebuilding is happening, but the raiders/Lunatics/Firestarters are hindering that progress significantly. Hell, rebuilding is actively happening. The tower on the “Nameless Tower” map is being rebuild after destruction in the lore.

And a good chunk of the Waderkvarn and their tech survived, then became the Dawn’s Children. It would make sense that they have this tech and the equipment to create it.

You could have a tech but no way to weaponize it or mass produce it, but never mind, i will let that go, all i’m saying is.

Show us some changes, circumstantial changes, nothing big, some voice overs, a couple of lines of text in the descriptions of the items maybe some building around in the maps.
More parts, with a brand new look, not just hoovers, more engines like eco boosters or 0 missions engines to go along with the V8s, then i will eat it easier.

But perhaps it’s a tall order to ask, i bet that in one of the loading screens, in one of the tips of the day the word “control” is still written “contol”