New relic weapon incoming

next season death star laser bear for mech season, this is not true but it would be cool tho

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I’ve been hoping for a relic drone but guess that relic knockoff of the destructor is most likely gonna be higher priority.

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idk its just a guess from that one event we had the insta destroyed builds

nuclear fuze drone please!

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Credit cards will be smoking & gone up in mushroom cloud ! LMBO


I was hoping for some kind of a relic version of the annihilator actually that chases people down and spits out flames heating up the enemy.

I keep hoping for no new relics, they’re out of reach and having more and more guns that seem like they are very much fun to use, and are extremely fun to use in random brawls, is really not doing good for the “I want to keep playing this game” emotions

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No we don’t need no more stinking Relics.
After noticing the massive amounts of Bots that are using relics in multiples, I see the producers silently pushing for more relic related :money_mouth_face: sales.

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just realized i put bear nd not beam lol

100% agree, too expensive :sob:

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Most relics are lame anyways with the exception of the porcupine/ripper that actually provide a unique experience that you can’t get from other legendaries. Don’t worry about relics, I hated it when they started making them just simple knockoffs of other legendaries right around the time when they released weapons like the breaker and typhoon.

but if its true relics will be ez to get in the future