New weapons OP?

It just occured to me that cold would suck a lot less if weapons had resists. Maybe it’s time to give some resists to fixed cannons, turret cannons, boxed MGs/SGs and plasma guns (all relatively sucky weapons in the current meta too)

If the cooling actually turned off omamori, averter, FIN perk, cabin resistances, etc, then their lower damage could be justified and a really cool feature.

I think it is supposed to, isn’t it? I could have sworn they mentioned that in the live stream.
Or are you saying it should completely remove those resistances, rather than just reducing them?
Has anyone tested whether the resistance nerf stacks? Like does two jotuns remove more resistance?

I tested all three weapons. You can hit a build with the jotun, let that build sit for the entire duration of the puddle, and most of the resistance is still present. The impact doesnt come close to just heating something and doing a lot more damage.


it seems extremely strong on 90% passthrough parts tho, and decent against frames. I guess it takes a 50%+ resist part to start to see some effect.

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I agree it works well with pass through parts. That alone isnt nearly enough though to justify the lower damage.

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I think the trick might be to use them with weapons that are also good at targeting pass-through parts, but that aren’t heat-based.
I’ve been making my way through various options, but only have jotun unlocked right now.

I got the goods on the Skadi for Y’all. I have bought the BP Skadi, premium +4 levels. It is fused for extra coldness. I put a Freight Train Plow, 950 health, 90 percent melee resist, and tried grinding it off with various sets.

1 Harvester, :26 seconds.
1 Harvester, 1 Charybdis: 18 seconds
1 Harvester, 1 fused +cold Skadi: 4 seconds
1 Harvester, 1 fused +Heat Draco: 4 seconds
2 unfused firebugs: 2 seconds

In conclusion, I would say that the Skadi works fine on melee builds. It also will allow a saw to work against Goliath and Sleipnir tracks, which are the most durable movement parts, but it is more situational than the Draco or Firebug. Those weapons do three times more damage than Skadi and this makes up for the Skadi boosting saws better than a fire build. Fire can boost saws by burning off parts that you don’t like.

I could see 2 Skadis and 2 saws becoming a thing where you shoot the Skadis like a gun at midrange until you catch up to the baddies with your Harvester or Charybdis. That way, enemies are nice and chilled for a big ramming hit.

There also may be a use of Skadi builds for triple Skadis in midrange cooperative game play, but mostly I think that Skadis could use a buff. If you’re a dev, please don’t nerf my Firebugs and call it even.

To me, the Jotun appears to be extremely weak and the Narwhal is kind of a pop gun. I was hoping Skadi would be a good gun. It is a good gun, but it isn’t great if that makes sense. The battlepass does give you a fused +speed Fin Whale (+28kph+++) and a legendary cloak, and 2 resistance to everything sticks to build with. Any one of those 3 things are worth the price of admission.


IF skadi actually diminished weapon damage of enemy by appreciable amount, maybe it would be worth using over fire. Because it doesnt, draco is easily better. I didnt test but i would guess remedy is better too.

The ice concept is cool (pun intended). They just need to make them work properly.


Yep. There is one situation where Skadi works much better than fire. That is Sleipnir tracks. Skadi pops Sleipnirs right off, where this track shuts down fire and saws completely. For that reason, Sleipnirs are very common on the front of spider builds.

It may be that Skadi perk sees some use in Levi wars as a 25 percent reduction in damage can be huge against something that does 14,000 damage in 10 seconds. Maybe a fast utility build with a Skadi, a Flash for the -reload and overheat global nerf and some slows, and a Harvester maybe.

Who knows. If that’s the case, a radiator for the Skadi and Flash would be mandatory as the Skadi has a lot of overheating problems. It overheats quickly and takes forever to cool once it is overheated.

It doesnt do that though. That is my point.

What is skadi like with flash/spark?
I’m thinking the right combo might pop frames.

I don’t know. Skadi has a lot of good things going for it. It’s really short so you can sandwich it into builds. 3 Skadi hits 3000 on the damage meter which is good for a rangey gun with a status effect. It boosts saws so tracks and plows aren’t game over. It burns through frames and mounts quite easily.

On the downside, bullet speed is slow and it needs a lot of cooling.

I’m not sure how to use Skadi and I’m convinced the best build hasn’t been made yet.

I want to like all the new weapons…but i like winning more. So until they buff them, I hope you convince everyone to use them, because I strongly believe they are inferior to many of their peers.


Same. I really want to like Jotun, but losing 95% games scoring 400 pts max isn’t for me lol. I’ve seen droners shit their 4 rare turrets in my puddles because they KNOW it deals 35 dmg max, 15 whole ass points short of dealing with their turrets. I’m not here to get disrespected like that :skull:


That’s weird, I actually just picked up a second Jotun, and I’m often surprised at how much damage I can do.
But I guess it does a percentage damage across the board, so that would mean very little against a turret, and a lot against a big spider.

Personally, I prefer them to incinerators. Using an oppressor and buggy wheels to get my weapon rotation speed up, and I’m able to play more aggressively than with incinerators.

I am disappointed that the Kami perk doesn’t allow me to drive through my own puddles without slowing down.

No it straight up does 35 dmg/puddle. That’s… Very very low. I haven’t checked Incis, but I’m pretty sure a puddle is muuuuch more lethal than this, and they also have cabs and codrivers to boost their damage.
I’d like if they had more impulse. They do shake the opponent… if he’s a light cab on the ground.
But honestly right now I feel at 5 energy they’d barely be ok. Last time I felt that way was Emily. Guess how much energy Emilies cost at release? :eyes:

I’m going to have to do some more testing.
It’s only when people are sitting in the puddle for a bit that the big damage numbers come, so the resistance nerf effect might be a big factor.
When I test them on my Leviathan, it starts falling apart surprisingly quickly. I suspect that what might be happening is that it’s most effective against pass through parts, and that once those parts and smaller frame pieces break off, they take bigger durability parts with them.

I know that vehicles that use small frame pieces are especially vulnerable. I’ve seen some get deframed after getting stuck in a single salvo.

It’s also really good against a cluster of large enemies. The slowing effect tends to make them panic and run into each other. Or they underestimate how much damage they’re taking and just sit there until they start falling apart.

It is easy to compare dmg to incins. Just take them to your garage and throw it on a levi. Incins do more dmg.

In theory, that is fine if the ice also removes resistance. Even after sitting in an ice puddle, resistance is still in play. It does reduce it to a small degree but not nearly enough to justify the diminished dmg.

I am sure incinerators do more damage, but I suspect that Jotun does more damage to pass-through parts, which in many cases is more useful.

I will do some more comparison testing later. All I know is that I seem to be able to perform as well with Jotuns in actual matches. Not better, but comparable. And they do have a different feel for sure.