New workbench idea

Many people have mismatching fused weapons from various passes. It would be cool to have a limited time workbench every now and then, possibly using some random brawl resource, that allows you to craft one fused parameter weapon, say from an original battle pass, into another fused parameter version of the same gun, that has been offered in following random passes rather than the initial fusion one. Or the newer fusion offerings into the old battle pass fusion offering. Basically it would contain all fused versions of a gun that have been featured in a pass, and you could switch version A into version B to have matching fusions rather than a set of 3 guns where two reload slower than the third, or 4 guns that heat up at different rates because of the fusions

For an example you have 3 guns, 2 of them are with a fusion for reduced projectile charge time, you got them from the original pass they came out with (fusion A), and then 1 instead has reload time reduction, gained from a following mini pass (fusion B). With this workbench, you could convert the guns so that you have 3 guns all with a matching fusion (A or B depending on which one you want). Say you want to convert the 2 fusion A guns into 2 fusion B guns so you have 3 fusion B guns, you grind the resources, say 50 per conversion so 100 resource, and convert them so you now have 3 guns with fusion B

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And of course this would also apply to movement parts, modules, possibly cabins as well, engines etc

I would love to fuse my BP pegi engine for mass limit, would be even better for heavy builds!! :open_mouth: