New world map view

Interface is glitchy. you can click on one icon and it ques you for another.

As a playing representative of the online gaming experience entitled “CroosOut”, I feel it is my duty to say

Old mission map - Yay!

New mission map - Nay!

Now, who do we need to bribe to reverse this graphical interface traversty?

I await your direction



It looks like crap, then again that’s all the visual changes they do. The game is run by incompetent people, simple as

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I’ve looked here, on Facebook and on Reddit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a change as universally hated as this. Precisely zero positive comments.

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I think that the UI change in the 2.0 update was hated as much.

This just adds to that.

I guess it meant to represent view from old malfunctioning military satellite. But unlike old map it makes little sense without any active storytelling. Just a non-interactive animated background.

We are all kind of missing the point of the new map screen and how it looks glitchy and crappy.
My wife pointed out when I complained to her:

It IS a ravager event…


Hmm… So do you think it’s intended to be temporary?

Very cool that your bride noticed that. :heart:

I had a false hope they gonna make the big map like I proposed long time ago. Out of smaller pieces with loading screens between them. But it looks like they are going to get rid of PvE, judging by dailies. Sad


Ya, I just saw that last night. Ew.
I think maybe it’s to allow screen space to accommodate more Icons for all the layered battle passes and events they intend to run on top of each other in the future.


For sure. I just hope they change the background after Ravvy event to one that doesn’t look all glitchy.

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I don’t think they are removing PVE. They are simply making it completely optional in a PVP focused game.

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Optional or redundant?

Right now both PvP and PvE are optional, which means you can choose either or both, and progress by trading and crafting stuff you need. But PvE lacks any real interest, which is, to some extent, PvP has. So… the tendency itself is not encouraging.

I was going to rebut that comment, but then I remembered Patrol counts as a mission, so yeah… But, the raids are completely optional. So if raids are eliminated (can’t imagine them actually doing that), we’ll still kinda’ have PVE in the form of patrol.

Plastic. Electronics. Some people like to use their free fuel to get free materials.

You can already strictly do missions, sell the materials and buy what you want, nothing is different about that strategy.
The change makes it “optional” in completing the dailies. Now people that just want to pvp have the option to just pvp and complete the dailies.

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Yes, there are optional. No one forces you to do raids and even gain fuel from missions. You can earn wires and batteries, sell them and buy another resource instead. Or trade badges for the resource you need. Same goes for plastic and electronics.

People who? You speak for everyone now? I don’t want this, for instance. And I know another person who was averted by current state of the game.

It’s like amputating person’s limbs them tell them “well you can still move your head and torso so technically you can move”.

I have no issue with the new map, out of all the things I could complain about a cosmetic change isn’t one of them, even if it looks like a low resolute version of Google maps

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