Next step idea: Two copters per team, chosen at random

An idea for NExt step. AS copters are such a huge advantage and yet having to many is actually a disadvantage, how about this.

Each team can have two copters active at a time. The player with the copters are chosen at random at the start of the match (players who don’t want to play their copters can opt out.). Once one of the copters die one of the next 3 people to respawn will be put in their copter instead.

This would balance out the copter gameplay abit and prevent the 4 stack problem with stacked teams.

The problem with this would be the little bit of MM they use. If it was just to work via the garage slots a match could end up with a large PS change between the players two build choices. It would be necessary to register a players build choices similar to how they do it in CC to match up in similar PS ranges for it to work correctly.

On the other hand it kind of strips the player from the ability to play what they want to at any given time. When I’m behind in challenges I kind of depend on playing what I need to when I need it to speed through the challenges. So to me not having a real choice in what I end up in would just be an irritation.

So I would probably just drop the portion where you can only have two heli’s per team at at a time and let players sort out what they want to jump to on their own via the respawns.

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So use the CC an CW system of you get to pick between your builds. with you sellecting 2 builds in the PS range you want to play one ground one air?

I would still say limiting them would be good but that would put a self limit on it, as some times you get into a match see 5 of your 8 players are helis and go yeah I wish I was on the ground now.

I think you guys are worrying way too much about Next Step.
If copters are giving so much trouble, just play the normal PVP mode.

Next step will eventually be replacing that, they said it at least 3 times in blog posts.

Next step is going to replace traditional PVP?
I don’t recall reading that. Can you find those posts?
I’m among the few who like the mixed battles, but I know I’m in the minority.
And while the respawn/capsule format is a fun change, I definitely wouldn’t want that to be the only option.

Edit: I think you are mistaken. The only thing I found was that they said Next Step is replacing the existing aircraft battles, and that has already happened. If you can find anything saying it’s also going to replace normal PVP, please post it here.

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