No battlepass?

hey so i went to check out the battlepass for the wasteland drift and… its not there?? im on ps4, did it not come out yet or something? whats going on?
whats weirder is that i cant even buy the battlepass straight from viewing the rewards… whats going on here?

Have you tried restarting the ps4 and relaunching the game maybe it timed out while populating those shop objects.

It’s available on PC…

its not just me, i looked around and apparently on reddit people are reporting the battlepass not being there to. this is on both ps5 and ps4. and yeah i refreshed the game shutting it down completely and restarting and nothing. the battlepass is just… gone… this has been going on for 5 days apparently and nobody can access the battlepass on ps4 / ps5.

At least you know it’s not just you. It looks like there are a few reports of it up on the bugs page so far: Community Bug Reporting System

i just checked again and after reloading the game the only thing thats available is the battlepass level up, thats it. no battlepass at all.

I see a bunch of reports up in a few different languages so I have a feeling they probably are aware of it. You could always send off a support ticket to see if you could find out more if you wanted to. They’re normally quick to respond when you want to buy something.