Noblers hermit clan accepting recruits

My ad got automatically deleted again on discord like wtf?

I don’t pvp that much atm I might do like 5 matches a week, it would still net some points though. I was asking the others though if they have lots of open spots. As it might be better for all of us if that’s the case to be all in one group.

As I’ve said before I haven’t gotten into confrontation much still working on builds for it.

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The clan is totally empty, there is more than enough slots for all your friends so if you and them wants wants to join than it is easy. It is like a open source clan which is why I renamed it freetojoin. I won’t start kicking truly inactive players unless the clan is over 2 thirds full.

Both roopull obsidianfang I think have clans open too, So I just want to check to see if we could potentially merge and fill if they are ok with it. Do you know what I mean? It will take a few days if any of leave to join another anyway. So we might as well just talk it out first.

It is first come first serve but I guess ill keep a few slots on reserve say probably like 25% for vips like you, roopul or obsidian. Feel free to join .

I want to see how many people they are carrying in theirs, hopefully they are all under slotted and we can maybe just do one for all of us. I’ll feel a little bad giving up my band name: “The Filthy Hand” as I found it humorous but sometimes sacrifices must be made.

I’d be happy to join although I sort of took a brake from a game for a while to focus on sorting things in my life for a bit. So I might be inactive, and after I’m rather solo player, although I do get tempted to put effort in challenges for extra progression and like levi mode. But than again I don’t guarantee any regular input.
If that’s sort of player you can tolerate there I’ll join.
Been thinking myself on creating no obligation clan, but 500 coin isn’t something I wanted to invest considering all challenges are locked behind weirdly working rating.

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That is the point of the clan anyone can join and it is mainly for randoms like myself who just need a few extra weeklies. I am a solo player too so just look up the clan FreeToJoin and come on in.

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Once you get full, to be successfully, your going to need to kick people.

I only gonna kick out inactive users if clan is more than 2 thirds full.

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I’ll join your clan once I can, in 3 days.


i’ve got about 10 slots open. 5 active players, about 7-8 stragglers.

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What do you think about consolidating under one banner?

I’m a pretty strict person.

1st,I’d like to say that I’m a long time “leader” of game clans/groups. From World of Warcraft’s Cenarion Circle (now the Sisters of Ellune) to Star Trek Online’s fleet known as The Collective Armada.

From running those two, I’ve learned to have only one real strict rule to adhere to: “Don’t be a dick.” No, I’m not Wil Wheaton but I do believe in the message. So, anyone that joins RVGD has to also adhere to the rule. Play your heart out but try not to be a sore winner.

Also, from all that XP I’ve ground out over the years, I’ve become a pretty good judge of character and, if say I don’'t like the image one is portraying under the tag of RVGD, then, that person better listen up and be willing to change their ways, or they will be kicked.

As mentioned before, I have 5 active players and they’re all in agreement with what I have set down. I welcome anyone that can be chill and an all around decent human.

Same. Disbandad my band and that gave me cooldown =/

Those rules are fine by me… Lets see what @82888150 has to say too. @103339824 what do you think about folding into one consolidated group?

If you mean disbanding RVGD to start a new one, I’m not inclined to do that and I know my guys won’t be either. They’re more apt to just stay solo if I disband it. There’s a certain comradery built on “tired of looking for a good place to chill.” So, I’m building that “Good Place” with this clan.

I’m totally down to take you guys on into RVGD, but not inclined to disband it.

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It’s a more of a lets look at the numbers idea before disbanding anything yet. People would be headed to who ever has the best numbers in my thoughts on it.

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Right now we have the following people interested, lets look at it realistically via the numbers:

Myself (carrying 1 that is inactive)
Nobler1500 (dependent on clan) Not sure what he’s carrying…
Obsdianfang (dependent on clan) has 10 slots open… Would prefer it to be his clan hosting.
@82888150 Roopull where are you?

This is your first clue to run, run as fast as you can.
That is exactly what I want to do in my spare time, be lead :confused:

When I do play in groups/clans - I prefer to be around similar skilled and geared players so we can just hang out and play. No time to hand hold.