Noblers hermit clan accepting recruits

That is exactly the vision that I had for it. People can come and go right so players can get more weeklies. May or may not play clan wars but ill just go with the flow for that, if it happens it happens.


You have to wait those 3+ days to see.

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I can try again on discord in 25 minutes, I hope it gets posted this time because there is a 6 hour wait on the clan recruitment page. I donā€™t think this forum or reddit even is the best place to advertise for clan members. Havenā€™t used discord in a year but I hope I manages to get posted eventually.

@nobler1500 I suppose Iā€™ll play along to help out it will take 3 days to swap over though.

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I think if there be some idkā€¦ 3-5, more will join even through ingame search as joining clan with 1 player doesnā€™t looks like making sense. For most I think.

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yea if more people join then I can get my confrontation rating up and more people might be able to stumble across it. Also no one wants to join a clan with no people in it.

I would advice you to make it less about yourself and more about what you can bring to all the members otherwise you will start to lose them.

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I hear yea, I got the message out after on discord but I did it on the find a group section and it finally posted so hopefully that helps. The clan recruitment section wouldnā€™t post for reasons I donā€™t know why.

Is this it or did I spell it wrong?

No it is FreeToJoin no spaces.

Ok just clearing it up. Iā€™ll see you in a few days.


Looking forward to it. Get the confrontation rating up little and squeese something out of it, beats playing solo. Thank you dirty hamster!!!

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I can do a little but I havenā€™t finished out my 9k builds yet. I just keep kicking the last build. I can still net some points though.

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It is better than nothing, I donā€™t care if it is 2 points only requirement is just to get something, anything really and that is only if the clan is over 2 thirds full so no pressure.


Lol, for sure man :slight_smile:

The person I was talking to got itā€¦

Be careful what you ask for :slight_smile:

@60915652 If I cared enough Iā€™d eat every other clan around, I have a lot of other things on my plate though.

Thank you ultra locust for joining, Clan is finally starting to take off so hopefully I can keep the momentum going. I can only post once per week on the discord clan recruitment page from what I heard so if I can somehow get that ad up then this open source clan should really then start to fill up.

Thank you for hosting. Iā€™ll try to pull some weight and add some rating and progress on challenges, although Iā€™m currently low on free time and parts, but that will improve with time.

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I can single handily keep the clan in recognized and grind out the invasion challenge so extra free 50 badges per week for whatever thatā€™s worth lol. Next week might be better tho hopefully next week it might get in renowned, up to 6 players now after dirty hamster joined so might do it.

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Clan is finally filled up, mission accomplished. The ad finally posted on discord like 1 month later plus I sent out mass invites from the last 100 pages of my market history and that seemed to do the trick.