Northern justice , a tale of carrot and stick

I ll be quick :
No leaderboard w legendary crates , abysmal CPH
play 2 games and get an irrelevant crate.
Devs , if you ever read that which i doubt , you take time making that mode which honestly is pretty well designed , but give nothing as reward…
Do you really expect us to play it?
At least ROTM you got some PVP equivalent in CPH
Are you thinking?


:sunglasses: Hello survivors!

:snowflake: Yesterday, the “Northern Justice” temporary raid became available. After analyzing the stats and reviewing your messages and suggestions, we have decided to increase the raid reward.

:star: Thank you for your feedback. Have a great weekend!

THANKS DEVS ! you made my week end ! :slight_smile:

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ok 10 % increase in reward , when at least 40% was needed just to be on par with 2 pvp and 1 FD plastic

I m completely baffled…

Either you are out of your mind , or you are just mocking us.

Maybe both actually.

Well, you learned something. Never thank someone for a gift package until you open it first. :put_litter_in_its_place:

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are you serious? 10%? thats it? gee i know what im going to spend my 3 extra scrap on!! :crazy_face: