One Hover Lover

One hover is all you need to move around :sweat_smile:


lol those are funny but they made a change a long time ago so any hover less then 3 still charge you for the same about of movement pen as 3 do. Also if you get nocked over resetting your self with the jack or auto jack doesnā€™t always work.

Well i dont know about that nerf but it still seems cheaper in ps having 1 hover vs 3 hovers.
Maybe some new meta builds can be made around it :upside_down_face:

I built something very similar.

ā€œIT WORKSā€ on the exhibition.


Yes lockman you have inspired me with that build, but it was hard to find games in the 2000 ps range so i made my own version, but you deserve credits too

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Itā€™s in the patch notesā€¦ :smiley: You can probably find them in here as it was a change from a few years ago:

Sometime a few of us use monohover builds in custom battles, using the map where you can change it to an all-acid lake. Getting the perfect balance is critical, and my favorite weapons are rockets; one hit is usually enough to throw your opponent off balance and plunge him into the acid.


Mountain lake is good for this too, a lot of people have been using the exhibition to publish battleship games.