One sided matches

I would suggest to lower the weapons rarity but you are already using that. ( for a hard fought match )

I’ve noticed it’s not only the MM but the type of dailies also ( yesterday or the day before was brick day ) and our own mood, how the team behaves it is also a factor
The day after i posted those screenshots was an ok day but not as good. Yesterday was awful ( to help i was low on energy too, no aggressiveness), today was a lot better but no numerous great wins .
I got an MVP, 2 vs 3, a arty guy and me, i was low on ammo, and ended up with no ammo in that game ramming the other guy to death and keeping him out of our only cap.
The important, it’s not letting this get under our skin, some days, some battles, the other team seems to have all the bricks, when we start to get affected by it, just play another mode or game or do anything else after all it’s the only thing we can control

This “MatchMaking” (AutoChess) System is Awfully Bad.

The System Might Be Good Enough for some MOBA games (arguably), but CrossOut Is Mostly About Crafting and Testing of Different BluePrints Experience, that is ruined by this “MatchMaking” (AutoChess) System.

The Game has ESRB (T) Rating, but I think that the quality of “MatchMaking” (AutoChess) System Makes it Higher.

I have an examples of 30 seconds matches (you mostly stay and watch), which makes it arguably about being “PvP”, not “Controlled by AI”, WHAT is using additional in-game options to control the Match OutCome.

There Are a Lot Of Hidden Parameters, and I Am Not Sure, any of them were changed After Being Put into (AutoChess) Game that Lasted Less than a Minute.

You are even forced to Test Every Weapon’s Damage, Because Instead of Numbers you have some Line that doesnt say anything usefull about Damage, FIre Rate, Range, Accuracy, At Least Max Ammo is Numbered.

The Most Typical Scenario it Generates is - One Man Does 2000+ Points and Win

The Quality of Default Bots Behaviour is also cannot be qualified as ‘normal’

One match Bot Drawing Circle, Ignoring Base Capture and Enemies.
Another match Bot Goes SkyNet Mode and kills everything.

its not the mm,its the game predetermined if u win or lose…

i’m highly thinking if there are more premium users on one side with the win.
that would make sense.
i can shoot someone all day and they take no damage,they shoot me 1 time im dead -----what ?
and vise versa.

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I think most of this is the effect of groups, especially when there aren’t enough players online.
A well coordinated group can just rip through randoms.

But the other factor is that there is a huge gap between what experienced veterans can do compared to new players. This isn’t the kind of game where someone who is good at FPS games can instantly drop in and perform well. There’s a very steep learning curve, not to mention the difference a good inventory can make.

Get a couple skilled veterans on one team, and they can slaughter a team of newer players.