One sided matches

Every single classic missions match is stupidly one sided, regardless of winning or losing or who is on your team its always 5+ against the last 1 or 2. Never a decent fair fight, just a retarded gank fest. Getting seriously fed up with it, something needs to be done because it makes the game very not fun!

WTF is this, every time!


Welcome to our World !!

we been saying the same thing…welcome to the Club !!

i ‘think u need to be a Payer’
thats how ftp works.

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Never used to be this bad. Now it’s borderline unplayable unless you’re in CC or CW.

oh it gets worse in CC or CW…do u have a seat belt ?

I give you credit for playing PS that high, especially in pvp. I only use builds with high PS in Levi Invasions or Bedlam!

Depends who you play with, can have some decent fights a lot of the time. Not constant retarded hold W noob style that’s infected this game.

13k isn’t really that high, and the PS doesn’t really make any difference. It’s the same from about 6k upwards.

Case and point… quick 6k match.

we known this for a while now…we moved on and we don’t care anymore !

You are just in a downward spiral, it will pass, probably tomorrow or the day after, it will change, relax.
It comes and goes.

welcome to crossout now a days filled with R’s who have no common sense nd all bout gayism thats why u will always see everyone kissing each other

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See doctor sewer? See mudnpiss? He aint a librul, hes a canadian donnie boy. Dont know, maybe hed like to be a murican, but i have my doubts.

So youre owning your own kind. I dont get why. Or are you plain nationalists?

the type of players that controls with zero skill ceiling attract. on a real note tho all updates, including helis, killed the game and the matchmaker is dry and has nobody to pair you with, on top of itself just being shit

Unfortunately match-maker is very remedial, and only arranges teams based on PS brackets. The nature of each vehicle’s construction is not taken into consideration at all.

There are some of these things cousing it:

  • Enemy team kills all or most of your bots before you kill any. From that point is like 5vs8. I try to block our bots to go different way, or protect them.
  • They have radar your team not or some of the allies don’t check the minimap and rush into muliple enemies.
    -Slow builds are are cought and slaughtered in 30 sec if left alone.
    Lots of players are not patient. Someone might try his build for the first time. Lots of players push without minimap awarness. Meele runs into multiple enemies instead of waiting and catch vurneables.

Some of these you can avoid, but they gonna happened from time to time.

it would be nice if it was. the first game i played after like a month had a 4K PS difference. but as bad as that is, i have seen even 10K diffs

See, what did i tell you?
Don’t sweat, we can’t win them all, specially all the time. Yeah i do get those, and it sucks and probably i will get them tomorrow or something like that.
What more can i tell you?.. i’ve done my dailies.

It’s not about the winning and losing, it’s about having a decent game.

Id rather lose a good 1v1 than win 8-0 every time.

what’s your usual weapon or type of weapon?

Varies depending on my mood… I play all sorts.

Most recently Assemblers, x-bows and mandrakes are the main stay but my go to @ 6k is a triple synthesis which I have the most fun with and seems to be more balanced.

Tbf I’ve actually had a few reasonable matches recently but they’ve been thrown in randomly with a whole heap of shite.