Operation "Radiance" Goodies

So this just started and anyone wanting lemon smoke paint has a slight chance here.

Theres a few hard to get items in crates that some might not have in this event…but then u have that damn dice roll to end up with crap.

I want the hatred 1 eye sticker but i want 2 not just 1! There are a few good stickers here.

I also would like the circuit board paint…

Good luck to all…

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Already have lemon smoke from a previous event.

Not really interested in the rewards from radiance.


only thing im interested in is that final crate for that storage expansion item.


U got circuit board paint?

I got a Matrix sticker from the first crate
Normally I would not care at all about stickers, but Matrix is one of those neat stickers that’s actually good, and we only got 2 untradeable ones in the past

It’s the 101010011100101010011100000101010001 pattern in red one

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No, and I don’t want it. Camo (for tanks) or solid colors (for sportscars) are the only paints I like. Although I did just notice a range target in that crate that I’ve wanted for a while, so I might try to get that.

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Let’s see.

How i fair in this event.

Maybe, if i get lucky, i’ll come back with a Ravager head on a spike.

I just wanted the ravager range decor, and I didn’t even get that. :sob:

In case you didn’t know, there actually is a decor in game for this, called the “peeper”. Although you need to do adventure missions for it.

i got this paint today.

not exactly, just find all the “peppers” around the adventure mode map. i mean technically its a mision but is it worth it? well… it takes a while to get but its a free legendary item to boost your rep gain… and it works well with the ravager theme to so id say it is.

I’m at 72/76 cameras and I want helis in Adventure mode so bad so I can find the other 4.

I’ve been trying almost daily for a long time and found 3 over the past 8 weeks.

I just want the peeper.

I can’t find the last 10 and I don’t remember where I found the other ones so the map is worthless. I wish I could start over and check them off as I find them.

why not just bring up a map with all the locations marked then go to each one and if its not there just cross it off? sure it might take a while but its worth the effort.
i got mine when a bug happened so i was at like 16 of them iirc when i got my peeper decor. i never completed the rest. maybe i should just for the lols. :man_shrugging:

I have the same issue as he has have a few left, even with the map it’s hard to find which few were missed. I’ve gone threw the map a few times. It’s rather amusing.

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gets another one

hah i hope i get another one for the lols.

I’m at 75/76 still :sob:

I also want the peeper.

get out there and find that camera!!! :angry:

Idk where it is :sob: