Part ideas because whynot

I was thinking of a new type of a cabin perk, one that is “Can be activated once per battle” so basically it’s a perk you can use only once for a specific mission, raid, etc

A few cabins I though up using this perk were

A reload perk, where it instantly returns your ammo, mines, drones, to the amount it was at the beginning of a battle. An alternative to running ammo boxes and genesis, for example you have a build with 4 drones with 4 “ammo”, and you’ve used up all of the “ammo”, so you activate this perk and then you got 4 “ammo” on the drones you have left once again. But it also takes ammo boxes etc into consideration, so say you start a battle with a gun with 4 ammo, and you have 1 ammo box installed, so your total ammo is 6. Say your ammo box got shot off during the battle and you activate the perk when you have 0 ammo, the ammo only reloads to 4. But if you still have the ammo box attached to your build when you activate the perk, you get the 6.

A shot charge up negator, where once activated makes your guns autocharge after they reload for X seconds, so for example using this on a Waltz means that after you’ve fired, then gun reloads like normal, but then when you fire the gun you just need to click the firing button rather than holding it and the gun simply fires. Astraeus shots are automatically fully charged shots after reloading, but during the duration of the perk you can’t do uncharged shots, meaning they cost HP. Single shot ability from nailguns and close fire shot from Parser can’t be used during the duration of the perk. Tempura does not need to be charged and can be activated by just clicking the firing button. Basically instead of having to hold the firing button, you can just click it. Does not work on all guns though, off of the top of my head Kaiju due to how the charging affects the whole gun and build.

And then a more novelty cabin, one where once activated it does a fake SD, the whole beeping, animation, even explosion, but the explosion does not damage the enemy at all, or destroy your own build, basically it’s just a fake SD you can use once in a battle

I think this could actually be useful, many melee users/flamethrower users like to ram and pin you against a wall. When they see the self destruct animation, they back off so you don’t damage their build. If there was a fake self destruct, they wouldn’t know if it was going to blow them up, so they might back off, letting you escape, or if they don’t back off, you can actually self destruct to deal damage. I’d love this idea.

I also made the acid idea/suggestion a while back in another topic if you want to look at it: