Part Storage and Expansions

Hello, I am a few months into the game and I imagine that this has been discussed before. I am a pay to play member and have purchased about $400 or more in items for this game. but when buying a pack I have to spend a third of the gold just to get enough storage for the pack and to play the game. I have read that others say plan ahead but this is unreal to pay for something and have to use the resource just to continue playing. Why is there a part limit when you have items like Starter Wheel ST Screenshot by Lightshot that are useless, I know they don’t take storage but you cannot do anything with these wheels. and when buying a pack included it says part limit increased like this Screenshot by Lightshot Herald of pyre (deluxe edition) 70 part limit increase, that is false advertisement cause that is not added to your part limit, can and Mod, Admin or Owner clarify on this matter Thank you.
P.S. I am at the point that I want to buy more packs for the gold and other items but what is the point if i have to spend the gold just to add the pack that i already paid for so i might be done paying until I understand what is going on. Thanks again

well if your level 30 then it doesnt add more part limit just like parts you already own thats in packs you wont get extra except cabs, weapons ect but frames nd armor you wont get, so its not false advertising

The part limit increase is for the vehicle iteself. Right now, the limit is 80 parts.

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Cause I am lvl 30 and want to buy another pack “Herald of pyre (deluxe edition)” that comes with 24 extra parts in the pack and my storage is 446/450 now I have to use the 4000 gold I just paid for in the pack and spend 800 of the gold to buy storage just to play the game. I bought the pack why is the storage not covered with the pack? It is like here you already paid for this but you cannot use it until you pay more

I hit the 80 part limit long ago, and that is where the misconception is cause I thought that the part limit was added to the part storage when I was buying the packs in the past and it should be, considered your paying for the pack

ya part limit is for build not storage, not sure why it doesnt add some storage space


That is why I would like an admin, mod or owner gat in on this topic cause I feel like we are being punished for buying packs, cause after you do you cannot play until you buy more storage, so for now I am done buying packs until this is addressed

devs dont care, ive tried to make them a business deal nd got ignored

im not a mod but i been playing the game for a long time. what they mean by the “part limit” is your starter car. basically you have a limit of how big your car can be until you start gaining levels with the factions and as you gain levels these part limits will slowly start to get bigger so you can make bigger and stronger cars. buying a pack removes alot of that limit and allows you to build that car as well as a bigger car.

part of the problem in crossout right now is part storage. with all these various battlepasses and whatnot coming out there isnt alot of storage that we can get. the devs DO put out some storage expansions but really they are only one per pass. mini passes included so… yeah…
also as your storage goes up, so does the cost of storage expansions. i am up to about 675 - 700 storage spaces right now and to get more would require around 6 storage expansions for me to gain an additional 25 slots. i seen someone at 1500 storage and they needed around 15 of those to expand again.
people have been complaining about the lack of storage to but if you need to free up some space just sell some junk or salvage it. i had alot of decor in my inventory that i got rid of and i had copies of the same decor that didnt take up any space so i got rid of any that did. if you want a decent investment id suggest the battlepass more then the packs at least until you build up your inventory spaces. every faction can make blueprint storage expansions and inventory expansions, they do require some resources to make though and if you got enough engineer badges it would be worth it to make a few to get your inventory bigger. theres also events in here that give away free storage expansions to.

sadly theres no admins in here. mods are here but they are quite rare to see.

“make the game better and ill open my wallet! … no? … nothing? … sorry money youll be better spent elsewhere though.”

By the time you buy the next pack, you are supposed to sell the other parts for more coins after they become boring to you.
Part limit = vehicle
Storage limit = storage
Blueprint spaces = Blueprint spaces
These are different words with different meanings.

Crikey, I’ve never known anyone to spend that much on XO. You’re mental!

It’s an interesting idea to better take care of the paying players and include in a vehicle pack enough storage slots for the items that take up storage slots. With how much the packs cost, it would make sense. Or at least one storage expansion…

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the best option is to make a suggestion on the crossout discord to remove or extend storage limits.
make sure to mention that this affects targems profits, otherwise they will ignore it

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if they didnt care bout my business deal clearly they dont care that much bout cash

what business deal

that could have made the game better plus they would make 10’s of thousands well in their money 100’s of thousands

Just wait til you run out of blue print storage. Then they just keep adding PS or build specific game types. Having to write over your beloved builds just to play a limited game mode.


Part storage is my biggest complaint about the game. I’m having to regularly spend resources to expand my storage now, because we get so many parts from BPs and free packs. Nice to have lots of parts, but they are so stingy with storage!
I’m less bothered by blueprint space, as between the exhibition slots and the ones I have in-game, I’m reasonably satisfied. I’ve been selling the blueprint expansion things to buy more part storage lately.