* [PC][PS][Xbox] Crossout: Depths of the Wasteland

That cab would still suck if they changed the perk.

Tusk didn’t get nerfed nearly enough. Cant play any build with upgraded extra durability goliaths paired with collosus at 6k ps without getting one hit by the tusk every game.


Werewolf is faster than a lot of epic cabins, which makes it more useable than people say. The perk is mostly useless, but the rest of it is better than the forum thinks.

LOL. Not to bad a nerf, until you add the Catalina nerf to it.

Where is the explosion radius buff? I mean they buffed everything else…

I have been MVPing with these for a year now, taking out much higher PS builds with MVP’s even… this is going to be a fun buff for me.

These may be fun, they will still be weak though.

Am I missing the nerf here?

You can still charge it to 100% and use it as an independent one shotter… in effect this adds like 70 meters to total distance to full charge damage when you add in engine buff. It’s not like most of the time you don’t already drive with full charge looking for the next target…

Explosion stuff that doesn’t explode good. How lame. Why do developers even make explosion shit if they don’t want it exploding stuff?

Where is the “boom” now regenerates after 2 minutes compensitory buff?
Devs should do something to compensate this nerf. It’s way to big of a nerf overall. (remember this nerf is across all your lances, which are single use and you usually put a lot of lances on a lance build)

Most of the rest of it, seems ok, some i like a bit, some i don’t like a bit etc.

Thanks Mud for posting this. Fish aren’t biting and I had time to read it all.


I’m going to build two machinist builds, big arse heavy things. Just because of this change. First time in months I even thought of that cabin.

Ah, I’m going to have to get home tonight and play some then.


The older I get, the weirder everything gets, not just nerd stuff. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Dont forget the engine buff also.


Agreed +1

i also want to add this in here to, in pve we got pvp maps added in. i made a post about it here Pve got new maps! - #8 by 59368078


More or less. But now you have to do more work to achieve even that amount.

Yeah, you’re not wrong. Thing is, this should never be the priority of the game. Or any game. XO was advertised as “Craft-Ride-Destroy” and I’ve been expecting this to be the main feature. Not “Donate. Grind. Trade (if you’re poor)”.

It had a potential but it’s never gonna be realized. Nothing good and/or meaningful will be achieved. As such, I haven’t purchased new pack, even though I like Atoms. I just traded for 5 Atoms. And I don’t feel like dropping any dough in this game, any time soon. Without something resembling old HTA it’s not gonna happen.

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Ya, I’m often puzzled at how neglected the build feature of this game is, since to me, it’s the main feature. Most kids seem more focused on the guns, and would rather buy new content than create it. I don’t get it, because it’s not a great 3rd person shooter, if that’s what they were looking for. What it is great at is for building really cool custom avatars to climb into. There’s not much else like it, in that regard.

But, if you aren’t interested in that, there are better games, I think. Instead people ride around in these insanely hideous and awkward cars with a $300 gun mounted on top, and I wonder why. If they aren’t creative, there are some games out there that offer really cool prefabricated or even semi-customizable avatars to live vicariously through, if they wanted.

Why do they play this game, if it’s not to exploit the creativity the build feature in this game has to offer? I’ll never understand it, but whatever.

Yes, there is a choice. And I chose already. 65 lighters to go (but 9 BP levels).

Dunno. Confidence issue? This might be the reason why they have to assert themselves in a 3rd-rate videogame, by dropping colossal amounts of their time/money into it.

I mean, I did the same, but I did it for building so I knew what I was spending my money on.

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There was an update today too! (Sept 15th)
So one of those random secret dev dates they just implement and lag the hell out of people’s games without fair warning of doing so, the lag is a tell tail but the fact when I went to load in the loading updated
So I wonder what they goofed around with in secretthis time?!

After the announced update, I found my wheels would coast for an unusually long time after letting off the accelerator, sort of like Augers would, and if I ran into a team mate, and just let off the gas, I would continue almost indefinitely coasting while pushing my mate across the map like he wasn’t even there.

I don’t think that is so much the case any longer, but I should go test it to be sure. I hadn’t thought of it until you mentioned a likely shadow update. I got a crap ton of lag that evening too, got frustrated and just quit.

They probably rolled that back, and that’s why I forgot about it after playing last night; it was either no longer a thing, or I just didn’t notice. I’m not as into this game as I used to be.

I do think the relationship between my wheels and hand-brake feel different (better?). I was able to pull off more fancy maneuvers, like skidding around in a semi-circle to change direction, but I haven’t played enough in the last month to notice nuances like that very well. Everything is different these days, and I don’t know what normal is anymore. Plus, it’s hard to judge performance when the the lag is as bad as it’s been recently (like you said).

I should go test my wheels while I have a moment. They tweak minor stuff like that more often than people realize, and without patch-notes, I think.

What I don’t really get is the impulse and thresher, Impulse was ok before the buff, thresher just straight up trash. Then they gave Impulse 90% love and then the leftover 10% love to the thresher, making the impulse way better than the thresher, once again. Impulse now is amazing, it went from ok and mediocre gun to straight up good gun. Thresher on the other hand still sucks ballsachs

Just a bit more damage? Sure it makes the thresher a bit better than it was before, but now the already better impulse is way better while the thresher is still a bottom tier gun. A small increase in damage? Nope that won’t “Compensate for the grenade launchers insufficient overall effectiveness” at all

In fact I wish they’d have buffed durability instead of damage, they’re still made of wet toilet paper and 8% is just not enough of a damage increase to compensate for that.

Maybe shorten the length of a burst/amount of grenades launched smaller, but make each grenade more powerful. You can spam a hundred of them and it feels like you overall accomplish nothing. The gun does not work so well that a small increase in damage can be called any kind of balancing, especially when you throw so much love at the impulse in the same darn update