* [PC][PS][Xbox] Crossout: Next step

The new guns are not that threatening when trying them out on the test track, Slaughterer sucks like everything explosive, and while Swarm can do ok damage so can Lucifer on a test track, I don’t see it performing any better or worse than Lucifers for the most part

Legs are kinda neat, honestly the little I have fought against legs in the emperor brawl, they are fun to fight against with non-leg builds, so I really don’t see much reason to wall them off from normal pvp, they seem fine rather than as annoying as trying to engage a heli with a ground build not specifically designed to fight helis. Dash is ok and jump flight is meh

New cab is lackluster and kind of too much busybody work with switching between the perks and whatnot, so convoluted

Out of the little I managed to test the balances before servers became completely unplayable due to constant ping and lag and your build just teleporting in a random direction every 10 seconds or turning by itself into a random direction due to ping spikes (No seriously the after-update lag and ping has not been as bad as with this update ever before, I could not play even if I wanted to currently so i am just gonna marathon some anime instead adn hope it fixes itself out eventually)

Anyway Raijin is still very good, Kaiju became a god gun, TOW change is kinda ok, on a fully beefed out 12k tow only build you can do some serious damage per shot, Manitou change is also pretty nice, not OP but it definitely needed that. Now you can actually use the perk to beef up your shots during a battle rather than never being able to.

Hover nerf for me feels more like a buff, while closer to the ground many builds can no longer just straight up drive under me and make me unable to aim my guns down enough to hit them, and the few battles I was in, it felt like rather than enemies slipping under your hover or tilting it in a way that you just can’t shoot at anything, they just bumped you around, so now you can fight back a bit more better than before. Wish I got to test it out in more than 5 battles though but crossout servers are crossout servers

All I want is a revert to the MASSIVE energy increase it got. It does really bad damage for a 20 energy weapon.

Even when you max out your modules?

I know some people find Yongwang damage underwhelming, but I always found it pretty good if you ran a lot of modules like you’re supposed to.

I’m trying to decide what modules to use with the TOW build I plan on making. I might try to use the boosters that are collecting dust in my storage, or possibly my Daze module.

Still no fix for their broken omni, atom and augur mechanics?, shame on them.
Still no fix for their new and improved Bot A.I.?
You are a sucker if you send these goons your money.
They cant even fix their own game and just pump out more content completely oblivious.

Those were intentional. They’re not changing them.

Intentionally breaking movement parts, and people keep saying its the new fast pivot nobody uses?
result, nobody using these movement parts anymore, another dev fail.

I use augers a lot still, and really enjoy the quick pivot.
I think you might be using the controls differently than I do though.
But it also seems like you are not willing to adjust your technique.

Really looking forward to trying them since the update. Reduced power drain is something I’ve been asking for forever.

How does one adjust their technique to movement parts that turn their car uncontrollable left or right 90 degrees when they stop moving? just keep moving and never stop?

That’s pretty much how I play all movement parts.

But as me and others have said many times, the quick pivot only happens if you rotate/turn while not using the accelerator or strafing controls.
I think your problem is that you aren’t using the strafing controls enough. Most of your maneuvering should be done with strafing, often in combination with rotating/steering.

Anyway, you seem to be the only one on the forum experiencing this problem, which is a sign that your problem is due to your technique, not a bug.

Just got rid of my Tow rocket. It was fused, so all I could do was salvage it for pittance. You don’t make a “weak” weapon better by doubling its energy cost. Got some really sharp minds on that development team. Like I said earlier, the devs obviously don’t want the weapon in the game; they should just remove it altogether.


And yet i see a 90% reduction of people using these parts ingame since they patched in their new improvement, i dont care what people on the forum say, playing the game alot will make you see for yourself.
I even made a video about it awhile ago pointing out the obvious.

But i think most ingame players dont use this forum, but rather the steam forum of this game, so maybe thats why you dont see many complaints about this.

my guess some WH40K afficionado works in targem or smt. more like it (various walker legs, For The EMPEROR!!!.. :grin:)
hope they “fixed for the emperor” (didn’t try it as of yet…) 'cuz it was a disgrace to the emperor…i think those poor space marines (the blue tanks…) commited ritual suicide after the last one ended, and the orks (the spiky ones)…returned to the drawing board with a very big ? over their heads… :rofl:
(…need more DAKKA!.. :rofl:)

plus, my guess he/she wanted to go around driving a dreadnought into war…

…and “if adv mode was more like this”…

…(…i know, i know…)…i wouldnt mind legs and helis in adv mode…

…or, smt like this… ( :grin:)

You just proved Poony’s point. The wobble didn’t exist when you were moving forwards, only when you let off the gas, and I assume based on the sound it made that you pressed the handbrake, making the “wobble” worse. It’s not bugged, you just have to adapt.

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Camera steering. Definitely a skill issue. But beyond that, even with camera steering, youre literally hitting the exact inputs to purposely recreate it over and over. And that video is too old to be valid, theuve adjusted the track traction twice since then.

This is just the little boy that whined wolf level stuff

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I use camera steering too, and have no issues with augers or tracks. The quick pivot is a feature, not a bug. It was also really needed for both of those movement part types.
Now I could see it being slightly harder to control with a mouse than with a controller, but it’s still the same principle. I think he’s probably trying to steer too much with the mouse, when he should be using it more to aim, while using the strafing and forward/reverse controls more for positioning.

The Max Range nerf is far to much. 10% optimum range okay but 33% must be a joke. playing raids and drive 33% closer to each npc with shotguns annoying with this too.

I love the new legs <3

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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nice dread, btw…ultramarines, or?

‘Very Important’
‘and a side note’ if you self destruct,do it far away from the enemy or even out of bounds so they don’t get your capsule.