An extra game mode

I like it sorry not got back to your post in my topic but yeah sounds fun. Played something like that in past on a game. Maybe it was Halo not sure :smiley:

nah mate, it was unreal tournament, the first one…

also, thnx for getting back, no worries…

…i got that wrong. UT1 had another mode…teams would switch between attack and base defence, iirc.
can’t remember what was the name of the game that had “V.I.P. escort” game mode…but it was a shooter none the less…

thank you so much….

may i know why?

here’s some xtra stuff…

4 vs 4 LEVIATHAN SLUGFEST, because…why the hell not. no bases, just a simple slugfest. i mean it’s already there…just “add it to RNG In The Sky”… :rofl:

and now for some xtra Coo Coo Drivers. unlike the previous, i don’t have a short story for 'em…if anyone feels like you can post it her…np :grin:

Gimmi K.
spec skill Cowboy - after X successfull shots (can be activated or smt.), reduce reload time of mounted weapons for a time or smt.
skill Trigger Hippy - increased weapon rate of fire
skill Bolts ‘n’ Screws - increase durability of car parts by a very little. this is applied to every individual part of the armored vehicle, exept for Cabin, Weapons, Moving parts, and Modules.
skill Break a Leg - increases max speed for legs by 5km

Ice Flow
spec skill Snowborn - activates after a set amount of elemental damage (fire, ice, THUNDER!!! :rofl:). increase the “time to overheat stat” of all weapons for a set time (or smt)
skill Frozen Stiff - reduce enemy push speed or push effect against this armored vehicle
skill Crampoons - reduced slow effect from enemy ice based attacks
skill Cold as Ice - increased effects of “cold based debuffs”

Ro N. Tghen
spec skill El. Storm - disable enemy radars / locators / and other such items, for a certain time and within a certain radius. can be activated after a certain ammount of damage to enemy Cabins, parts that require energy to function, and any type of Movement parts. edit: also disables invisibility in same radius
skill Juiced Up - increase max speed of hovers by 5km
skill Shortcircuit - increase (Energy / Uncategorised) damage to Modules and Engines
skill Energy Distribution - reduce “charge up time” for energy and uncategorised weapons

Mark S. Mann
spec skill Bullseye - activates after X successfull shots at enemy cabin. gives a damage bonus against all non-structural parts for a time
skill Hawk Sight - increase max range of all weapons (bonus may vary depending on weapon type)
skill Paint Target - increase homming rockets speed (or active time, or tracking accuracy, or smt… )
skill Commando - reduced aquisition / spotting range, for enemy armored vehicles targeting this vehicle

that’s about it for now…

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some more stuff:
Adventure mode
Search and Purge (side quest) - the opposite of “Search and rescue”, in this side quest the player has to reach a point and kill “the traitor” that is selling info to a rival faction, and the gangers he/she is selling the info to. the gangers consist of 3 grunts and 1 bruiser. after the traitor and 2 gangers are destroyed, the remaining 2 gangers choose to flee and must be delth with.

Faction situational encounters
ENGINEERS - “Rescue and Escort”: save an NPC from ravagers and escort him/her to the engineers outpost (similar to story quest).
LUNATICS - “Raid’s ON!”: raid a passing convoy (similar to attack the truck sit. enc.) and deliver the goods to the lunatic’s outpost.
NOMADS - “Escort and Protect”: escort an NPC or a team of NPCs to a certain location and defend him/her/them untill destination is reached.
SCAVENGERS - “Patrol and Defend”: patrol a specific area and defend scavs as they dismantle “something” (similar to defend the radio tower sit. enc.).
STEPPENWOLVES - “Patrol and Eliminate”: patrol a specific area and eliminate hostiles present. similar to egzisting side quest only lasts longer or there are more enemies.
DAWN CHILDREN - “Scout and Protect”: scout a specific area and protect NPCs that are “doing something there” like studying an anomaly or a weird piece of tech…ravagers are likely to be encountered.
FIRESTARTERS - “Locate and Purge”: find a bunch of deserters and eliminate them. player may choose to immobilise them (by shooting wheels or smt) and if successfull can sell them as slaves for an extra income…or smt…

Coo Coo Drivers

Peta Arda
spec skill It’s ALL in the mixing - for a short time adds a small ammount of explosive damage to “bullet type” damage
skill The Bigger the Better - increase AoE of weapons with an Aoe
skill Flame of Glory - self destruct damage increase
skill We have Explosives - returns a small portion of “ramming damage” recieved

Nin Jah
spec skill Shinoby - when activated highlights explosive modules of nearby enemies to all nearby friendlies for a short time
skill Caltrops - increased damage against movement parts
skill Weak point - increases penetration of weapons, or gives a small penetration bonus to weapons that have none
skill Discipline of steel - a very small reduction to the damage recieved by armored vehicle


Hedgehog (Legendary)
works same as Dove, but instead of exploding on landing, the rockets explode in the air and shower an area with spikes, dealing “bullet damage”. the area is somewhat smaller that the Doves’. treat each rocket as if firing “an Argument full charge” and the spikes are somewhere between an argument and a spike crossbows’ in size. spikes that don’t hit an enemy remain lodged in the ground for a sec or two (treat as rippers’ saws in that regard)

Fireworks (Epic)
works same as Hedgehog, but rockets drop clusters of small grenades. the effective AoE is larger than the Doves’, BUT each individual grenades’ AoE is SMALLER than standard (this could still result in smaller vehicles NOT BEING HIT even if Inside the actual AOE being targeted)

that’s it for now

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new game mode:
Battle Leader
this game mode is played by two teams of 8 or 10 players of which 2 are always bots (no more, no less than 2).
before the game starts, 1 random player is designated as “Battle Leader” which basically gives him controll of the bots. the player may re-assign the role to another player before the game starts by
right klicking on another player and choosing the option to do so.
the controlling player may issue orders to bots with the quick chat button during the match. orders include:

-attack a player (self explanatory)

-defend a quadrant (remain in a specific quadrant and attack any enemy in range)

-scout ahead (the bots will break away from the group and scout ahead/the other side. as soon as enemies are detected, the bots will not engage but return to the leader)

-lure enemy (same as scouting, but the bots will take a few potshots at enemies before returning to the leader)

if no order is given (or after performing scout/lure maneuvers), the bots will automatically assume “escort mode” which is to say, they will remain within a certain distance of the Battle Leader and defend him/attack players in range or players attacking the Battle leader.

this way bots could be of use and not play like headless chickens… :grin:

no, just no

got a reason for it …or an explanation…?

because youre playing crossout, thats why it would never work

fair enough…though i still believe it would work…i agree that most players are greedy and selfcentered so things like tactics and teamwork are incomprehensible concepts to them…but still…i think it would work…

if you have a single target VIP, do you realise everyone will take dog builds and eat the VIP alive? you also mention teamwork, but that just doesnt exist in crossout, there will be no defending your vip, just attacking the enemy vip


thank you for explaining :+1:

as i said already…i do get your point…and i know what kind of gaming comunity crossout has… that being said…it was just an idea.

EDIT: :rofl: in my defence i posted that idea a LOoong LOooong time ago (in a galax…) when there weren’t so many “MetaDogZ” :rofl: running around (WHO let the DogZ OUT!? :rofl: …I Know…THeey are the evil spawns of “THE SPARVESTER!” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: )

here’s some more thingys:

  • Helicopter Raids / Clan Confrontation / Clan Wars (maybe even heli Invasion…who knows, it might work) - so far helis don’t get much choice of game modes. i’m not rly a heli player (i play them every now and then mostly for the challenges), but even so, if you put them in, don’t neglect that fact…

  • Frames - so far we have heavy frames which you get from engineers and light frames which you get from lunatics…which kinda forces players to level lunatics if they want those. maybe add medium frames (something between heavy and light) to the nomad faction, and super heavy frames (heavier and more durable than heavy frames) and add those to the scavenger faction.

  • Seasonal Build Fest - like we get “fuse fests” that let players fuse stuff for “cheaper” (imo, fusing should use crafting mats, not sacrifying parts, but oh well…), why not “unlock structural parts of a certain faction for a time”. as things are now, factions need a humongous ammount of xp to level up, and new players have a very hard time accessing them, mostly due to whales and seal clubers snatching most of the xp in any battle. this way, new players could at least “try out what a specific faction structural part feels like” which could at least let them have a better understanding of which faction to level up sooner, rather than later…

  • Codrivers - i might have said that but make codrivers unlockable by faction choice/level. you can add them instead of or together with the profile pictures characters. like, a few per faction…that would make for a NICE AMMOUNT… :grin:

lol I mentioned those a while ago and it didn’t go over well with the non-heli players.

too many self-centered people these days…lol
played a few heli matches yesterday, is why i wrote it… :grin:

though personally i’d want a few more codrivers, tbh

forgot to put this at the time of writing this…
what they SHOULD definitly DO is make RARE and SPECIAL tier TAIL Rotors…so far there’s only Impeller.
this would allow new players to have more fun with heli modes and give older players more stuff to work with.
not to mention make “the heli faction” (Khaganate it was, iirc) a permanent one (with leveling it up and so on) and add all HELIcopter movement and structural part into that faction!

I asked about co-drivers for heli and crossovers too. lol

as i was saying ^…

here are just a few locations on the adventure map that COULD BE used for instanced content…like raid OR SOMETHING…
:rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:

you know, for :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

to that end, this could be also said about game modes that players find fun or entertaining…

in my case, i’d love to see Judgement Night added permanently to brawls, and Mad Chase should be added to raids.

there’s not enough modes for brawls anyway, and if they did challenges for brawls, at least some more types of brawls would be nice.
as for mad chase, it doesn’t need to have hekla’s voiceovers or just lunatics in it…raiding other factions’ trucks would also be nice…