Petition - Walkers and Helis in Adventure - Blood Rocks for Bedlam

Hello everyone,

TL:DR - Adding new movement parts, Mechanical Walker legs and Helicopter rotors to Adventure. Also adding Blood rocks map in Bedlam map rotation

I am asking for support on this topic to hopefully be read by the team and become an implementation. I have envisioned using the new walker legs and have wanted to use the Heli rotors in the adventure mode. I have always enjoyed Adventure mode, replaying the story line and passing the time by with a more casual play of crossout.

With the new implementation of Walker legs and Heli’s into the allowed parts for adventure, I can enjoy a different side of the game and its lore. Sure it may not be 100% accurate to the original story line made up to be, but it sure would make for some awesome gameplay. Not to mention, the people in the world of crossout are always innovating and surfacing new tech each year that the clans must adapt and overcome or be turned to waste.

I really hope this hits the correct audience and kicks off for the credit I am trying to give it. I think the change would not hurt the overall community and give players a bit more freedom to use the awesome new parts the devs have made and added just for us.

To add to the existing petition. The other point I want to drive is adding the massive Blood Rocks map (adventure mode map) into the rotation of maps for bedlam. I think that if it were to be added and people had the freedom to roam that enormous land with many of their friends, I think many people would be thoroughly enjoyed.

Think of walking the waste, with your favorite build, and you hear the crack of a cannon resonating off the canyon walls, you hear a round buzz by you and you look and find the smoke from the muzzle. You run for the nearest rock to find cover and begin to advance on the subject, laying cover fire while taking rounds from a distance. One of your friends are nearby and close in on your area. You round the corner where the cannon fodding was coming from and see more enemies. An all out war erupts in the heart of the Blood rocks, painting the canyon walls with lead and machine fluids…

Thats all I have for you lovely people. Thanks for your time and the read. I hope I have placed a seed in some of your minds and luckily obtained an upvote from at least one person.


yes big map, more people

The issue with helis is the invisible walls all over the place. Adventure has been abandoned, and it’s really sad.

Although I don’t understand why we can’t have mechs in Adventure mode…

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Would love it, but those bastards ain’t gonna bother with Adventure mode

My dream is for them to use the adventure map for larger scale 20v20 battles, with mechs, helicopters, and leviathans.
I want an all-out-war mode!