Here am I, crater map, i enter the cap early in the game and stayed there, I eat a lot of damage ( as you can see ) and i’m out of drones ( also as you can see ) after we taken 2/ 3 of the cap after that all was chaotic, i can’t move, a bastion brick entered the cap and was chaos, he levelled the plain ( we were in numeric superiority ), this screenshot was taken after that brick was taken down
Who won?
Too much time remaining. You lost to elimination.
But a closer look at your screenshot and the enemy appears too far away to stop the capture.
You won by capture!
I do not bet, not even a dollar on the lottery.
I misread the screenshot, the red marker is pretty close to your ally in the base, you lost to elimination.
Generally, I’d put my money on JehuBranch, especially if he’s in that Bastion-Auger rig he usually rides. I see he’s still alive in this screenshot. That’s a problem, I’d say.
So, what happened?
My team mate couldn’t move either, i don’t know what happened i had my vision blocked but he and the brick…puff.
So, i was all that was left from my team, i had no front armour, cabin exposed, no ammo and then the other guy appeared.
The other guy didn’t had any ammo either, because what he did next, he pinned me down against that piece of scenario and pressed the backspace…and he went puff too.
I know, I know, the red mist, fog of war, the pressure of the make it or break it moment, all of that is fine.
Bur let us analyse this.
Less than a minute and a half to go, a 1 vs 1, a perfect functional build vs a heavily wounded build with no ammo
The brick couldn’t push me out the cap cause it had other matters to handle, but this last build could simple push me out the cap and simply wait and run down the clock.
But no.
I’m just tired of this backspace mentality, it seems it’s great for everything.
There are games where people, dead people tell people who are still alive to SD.
There are people that give up at a certain point, they just stop and SD, people with a perfect working build ( the most i’ve seen was a drone build, SDing with 28 drones yet to launch ).
Backspace very rarely works to win games or to blowing off opponents, it only works to give victory to the other team.
As far i’m concern, it’s to the BITTER END.
As a last resource when everything fails, i’ll try to make the most of it.
Guess, in the end i believe more in the victory than the other guy