Players are leaving this game. Why probably?

Though I’m not likely to leave permanently, the reason I log off the most lately is because Confrontation Mode is not available. That is the single largest reason I don’t play. The game feels tied up in a mode that is never available, even if that’s not entirely true.

My overall disinterest in clans plays a major part in why I am no longer an active player, and more of a forum queen than wasteland survivor.

This game is no longer competing with my desire to flap my fingers, and I’d now rather be in a toxic chat forum than this deformed game.

I’m looking forward with what feels like a fools hope that it will eventually get the update it needs.

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I fail to get in to it most of the time too.

It’s not that complicated:
Matches that are all humans are more unpredictable, and for me that’s a more interesting challenge.
I do not find bots particularly challenging, although once in a while they kill me.
I don’t hate bots, and I’ve even made topics defending them. But when I’m in the mood for bots, I play patrol.
Doesn’t ruin PVP for me if there are bots, but it’s more exciting without them.

I do what I usually do. Pvp, some bit of pve, maybe patrol to get rid of dailies without spoling my mood with toxic side of pvp when I’m not ready for it.
The game is the same and there is not problem for people to do what they been doing before. I barely understand all this whiners… plus weeklies are coming.

Players die of like flies every other battle.

Leaving me with “interesting challenge” of taking down 5-8 enemies to win(which is only few times was success).
So I’d rather settle with less of their “unpredictfullness” and more with a challenge to win with more possible odds.

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We all enjoy this game in different ways.
I like the chaos of all-human matches the most. You don’t. All good.

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This fool is looking forward to that.

Yes, very this.

I think the bots provide a more stable and playable PVP environment. I think that’s sad but true.

If they’d make that Confrontation mode reasonably available, we could maybe have our cake and eat it too. I’d like that, because I did get a kick out of the 4x4 format…that one time last week I actually managed have access to it and play it.

I will say that I find patrol kind of relaxing because of that predictable aspect.

Not really. imo it was only reduced general farming output, which I don’t rely much on anyways, but it’s good to get some extra coin to buy stuff. Wouldn’t hurt so to speak.

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I’m learning to like patrols more. I like them because I can roll in on wonky mobiles and still win, and I like them for deleting challenges I don’t have proper skills or gear to complete, like cannons…and for getting my BPs caught up when I fall behind.

For a while they were actually starting to feel competitive, with the bots all juiced up and hyper-viscous. I liked it, but it did get a lot of forum heat. Most kids didn’t like it as much as I did, so I guess they rolled that back…not that their protests seem to matter all the time. I really don’t see much consistency in that.

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I played it maybe a ~50 times. Not a fan. That mode to be played right you need a group of players. For lone players it takes a good chance to beat a clan team. But most times it’s like hitting a wall.

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Ya, I’m not gonna be able to disagree with that. I experienced that too. It was a seal-clubbers heaven, and clearly I was on the seal team, which after trying so hard to even get into that mode, felt very demoralizing, but when I had a team that played like one, I had a blast.

I get pretty reliable winstreak there if my team doesn’t face a solid clan meta party. It’s probably even easier to get a win as takes less enemies to defeat for a win and personal input matter more. But those clan parties…
8*8 pvp battles feel more fun because there are various weapons and builds. Cannonfire, rockets flying around, turrets, drones, thing feel populated. Bots are good for that.
While in confrontation often it’s some pack of sly meta ambushers taking a corner, performing their melee ambush and all over in 10 sec. Does that sounds like fun? For nerds I guess…
It may be occasionally fun, and they don’t intent it as primary way to play with their time tables.

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How about this.
If you’re not grinding anymore, how about you not comment on how the grind feels in this game?
Hearing you comment on the grind, badges, and how the changes effects new players or people like me who are very much grinding just to get a couple of legendaries fused is nauseating.

It is no different than hearing some new guy rant about clan wars.

This isn’t targeted at any one player - even though I quoted 2. It’s targeted at a whole range of players.

I haven’t been on the forum long enough to know all of you. :wink:

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I don’t think you read what he said correctly.

He was not commenting about the grind.

What he was saying is - If a few badges is all that was keeping someone playing the game then maybe they need to rethink if they really like this game at all.

Which I still agree with.

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Like I said, maybe you shouldn’t be commenting here.

The badges are the bulk of the grind in this game.

The fact that you, from your lofty perch of years of addiction to the game & fully fused everything, do not understand this underscores what I wrote.


Well, I’ve paid very little money to the game, never played much clan wars, and only recently started fusing stuff after many years of playing.
I’m a solo grinder, and the changes are working for me.
Do my opinions count?


That is the big question we are all asking ourselves right now, probably.

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I suspect that some of what is going on is that tone doesn’t come across very well online. I don’t think Monkey is trying to belittle your concerns, but he does think your concerns might be premature and misplaced.
I don’t know if I’m more empathetic, but I’m reserving judgement until this week is over to see how many badges I can grind out with the little mini clan I threw together for the changes.

I will say that so far it looks like I won’t be making any less than I did as a solo grinder, and potentially I can make a lot more.
So coming from that position, I’m inclined to agree with Monkey that the situation isn’t as bad as some solo players think it will be.

The other thing that colours my reaction is years of seeing the forum freak out at every change, and the never ending predictions that the game is dying (I’ve been hearing those predictions since the days of the old forum). Because of that, I don’t pay too much attention when the forum gets mad about a change. Most of the time it isn’t nearly as big of a deal as it seems, once the dust settles.

But that’s just my opinion.

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Reddit has become a cespool of complaining. Its mostly just a waste of time to be on thst subreddit right now. Just all boohoo spam. Like…stfu and delete the game. I dont need to read all that nonsense. I like the game. I want content about the game-not attacking it. Mods on reddit just need to flag and move anything that is construed as complaining and put it on a crossout complain subreddit.


I usually only ever get badges from doing the three pvp weeklies. So i was getting what? 500ish badges a week. I wonder if i still get near that.